Setting up SmartFreight integration

Setting up SmartFreight integration


Readysell to SmartFreight integration provides improvement on efficiency by saving time on data re-entry and seamless workflow. To use the SmartFreight system, the following system types and carrier account need to be set-up as follows:


  1. From the Navigation panel, click on Administration then Advanced then System Type
  2. Select Consignment system type and enter the value for the following codes

    IFS-ENABLED-SHIPMENTSEnable the SmartFreight integration for sale shipmentsTrue / False
    IFS-ENABLED-TRANSFERSEnable the SmartFreight integration for stock transfers outTrue / False
    IFS-ORG-IDYour organisation’s unique identifier. This 4 character string will be provided by SmartFreight.Contact SmartFreight
    IFS-PASSWORDSmartFreight will provide your organisation with a unique 7 character case sensitive string.Contact SmartFreight
    IFS-AUTO-CONSOLIDATEValue of the autoconsolidate flag submitted to SmartFreightY / N
    IFS-ENDPOINT-URLSmartFreight endpoint URL


    New Framework : http://api-r1.smartfreight.com/api/soap/classic

    (make sure IFS-USE-NEW is True)

    STARSHIPIT-API-KEYAPI key in your StarShipIT account under Settings > API KeyContact StarShipIT
    STARSHIPIT-ENABLED-SHIPMENTSEnable the StarShipIT integration for sale shipmentsTrue / False
    STARSHIPIT-ENDPOINT-URLStarShipIT endpoint URLhttps://api.starshipit.com/api/

    Enable the SmartFreight integration for sale shipments to generate cost line

    True / False
    IFS-SHIPPING-PRODUCTProduct ID of the Readysell product that represents IFS shipping feesFROUT
    IFS-USE-NEWEnable the new framework of SmartFreight (cloud)True / False
    IFS-USE-DELIVERY-OPTIONEnable SmartFreight's new framework feature : Delivery Option, to show Carriers option with priceTrue / False
    IFS-ENDPOINT-URL-DELIVERYSmartFreight endpoint URL for delivery optionhttp://api-r1.smartfreight.com/api/restv2/deliveryoptions/getdeliveryoptions
    IFS-AUTO-CREATE-CARRIERReadysell will auto create carrier if user select any carrier from delivery option and
    does not exists in Readysell
    True / False

    The IFS-ORG-ID and IFS-PASSWORD are provided to you when you create an account with SmartFreight Express. www.smartfreightexpress.com.au

    If IFS-ENABLED-COST is enabled and IFS-SHIPPING-PRODUCT is set and the product is available in readysell. The user enters a carrier and consignment item on the shipment once they finalise the shipment the IFS-SHIPPING-PRODUCT will appear on the line with the value of the consignment provided by IFS.
    SmartFreight Delivery Options

    To use IFS Delivery Option, set any IFS carrier on consignment screen to trigger Readysell to communicate to IFS - instead of StarShipIT (refer Completing consignment details to send to SmartFreight or Adding consignment information to a shipment) and Delivery Option will pop up. The user select any carrier (if selected carrier does not exist in Readysell and IFS-AUTO-CREATE-CARRIER is set to true, Readysell will create selected carrier, otherwise Readysell will stop proceed any further).

  3. Click on Save

  4. Restart the ReadysellServer service to effect the settings. Contact Readysell Support if you need assistance

  5. From the Navigation panel, click on Administration then Sites

  6. Select a Site ID, then click Integration tab

  7. Fill out a site integration details required for the integration message between Readysell and SmartFreight

     Show me

    IFS Name is validated against SmartFreight database and would fail the request if it does not match-up.

  8. From the Navigation panel, click on Administration then Carriers 

  9. Click on New to create new carrier code or select an existing code then fill in the following :

    1. IFS Account Number 

    2. IFS Service : identifiable with label details
    3. Description : packaging details

       Show me

       The carrier account details can be obtained from SmartFreight Express. www.smartfreightexpress.com.au

  10. Click on Save 

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