Standard Notes

Standard Notes

Standard notes are common types of notes that are created and used in comments, repaired descriptions and fault descriptions. To create standard notes to be used in fault descriptions, comment, repaired description areas the following steps need to be take.

  1. From the Navigation panel, click on "Administration" and then click on "Standard Notes"

  2. The Standard Notes window appears

  3. On the left side panel is a list of the standard notes that have already been created.
  4. Type is the where the standard note will appear as an option

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  5. Click on the 'New' button
  6. Select a type

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  7. Enter the notes in the note field. E.g: For a FAULT DESCRIPTION type the notes you may enter are "Misfeed: Paper has jammed in Tray 1 OR System Error: Out of Paper but paper tray is full
  8. Click on button Save and Close

    Standard notes is commonly used in the service order module where the fault description, repaired description and comment field appears in.

    Case Notes- The standard notes can be added in this administration section and when in case notes click on Populate Notes that is where you can select the created notes.

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