Validations when trying to close a Financial Period

Validations when trying to close a Financial Period


  1. All transactions that do not have a financial impact are not checked when trying to close a period eg Product labels, Purchase runs etc
  2. All transactions that need to get 'Posted', that is have a status of 'Posted'  into Period will be checked when trying to close a period.
  3. All transactions that need a child transaction eg Purrec, Salshp, Stkdis etc will also stop you from closing a period unless the required child transaction exists and needs posting or needs to be Invoiced.
  4. When you try and close the period, the system will validate with the transaction types that are still open based upon point 2 and/or 3 above. See Periods

Example of Validation:

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In the example above, the validation error is stating that 'Period cannot be closed until all posted sale shipments are invoiced' & "Period cannot be closed until all posted purchase receipts are invoiced'. What this means is that there are Sale Shipments and Purchase Receipts that have a status = Posted but not yet Invoice.

To review and resolve these uninvoiced transactions follow the steps below to identify what these are:

Uninvoiced Sale Shipments

  1. Log onto Readysell>Sales>Shipments
  2. Select from the top drop down filter 'Uninvoiced Sale Shipments'

     Show me

  3. A list of Shipments will display in the list view for the period you are trying to close. 
    These shipments have been posted but not Invoiced. 
    The screen shot below is test data

     Shipments not invoiced

    Work out from the list, if another shipment may exits for the same products for the same customer and may have been invoiced.
    If you cannot see that the goods on this shipment have been despatched and invoiced on another Sales order/Shipment, then highlight the shipment and click on the active Invoice action button in the top ribbon.
    Do this for all uninvoiced shipments

Uninvoiced Purchase Receipts

  1. Log onto Readysell>Purchasing>Purchase Receipts
  2. Select from the top drop down filter 'Uninvoiced Purchase Receipts'

     Show me

  3. A list of Purchase receipts will display in the list view for the period you are trying to close.
    These purchase receipts have been posted but not yet invoiced
    The screen shot below is test data only

     Uninvoiced Purchase Receipts

  4. Work out from the list, if another purchase order/receipt exits for the same products for the same supplier.
    If you cannot see that the goods on this Receipt have been received and invoiced on another transaction then firstly try and find the Goods Received and Invoice from the supplier."
    Then if you find that the goods have not been received and invoiced on another purchase order or purchase receipt, then highlight the purchase receipt and click on the active Invoice action button in the top ribbon.
    Do this for all uninvoiced purchase receipts

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