Customers End Of Month Procedure

Customers End Of Month Procedure

Note: Please ensure that the following steps below are followed before the customer statements and customer trial balance is generated or printed at the end of each month.
Any of the checks below can be done at any time, not just at the end of the month.

Bank Statement

  1. Download the Bank Statement for the last day of the month. Usually, this is done on the first day of the next month. 
  2. Enter all Customer Direct Deposits that have been presented on your Bank statement for the end of the month in question and ensure the date entered is the date on the bank statement.  Customer Payments
  3. Allocate the customer payments accordingly.Customer Payments from Open Items  Customer Allocations of Payments
  4. If you are running Readysell Bank Reconciliations and General Ledger, enter all Misc Bank Deposits and Bank Payments that have no relevance to a customer or supplier off the statement for that month.
    This doesn't necessarily have to be done before the statement run.  Bank Deposits  Bank Payments  Bank Transfers

    Example Merchant Fees, interest received or paid, or non-supplier expenses (wages, rent etc) that are on the bank statement.
    Ensure you date these transactions the date they appear on the bank statement. 

Checking Status of Transactions for Posting, Failed, Uninvoiced and Outstanding

Log onto Readysell and check the status of the following transactions see further instructions below:
This can be done anytime during the month not just before the end of the month
Sales Orders, Sales Shipments, Sales Invoices, Service Orders, Meter Count Run, Bank Deposits, Bank Payments, Bank Transfers, Customer Payments, Customer Debits, Customer Credits  DO NOT HAVE A STATUS OF 'FAILED' OR 'POSTING' 

Sales Orders

  1. Log onto Readysell>Sales>Orders
  2. Select from the drop-down filter in the ribbon 'Posting or Failed'

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     If any transactions should appear in the list please contact readysell before continuing.

Sales Shipments:

  1. Log onto Readysell>Sales>Shipments
  2. Select from the drop-down filter in the top Ribbon 'Posting or Failed'
    If any transactions appear in the list then contact Readysell before continuing

  3. Then drop the filter again and check for 'Uninvoiced Shipments'.
    If there are shipments in the list firstly check to differentiate between what shipments are set to 'Batch Invoicing' or 'One invoice per order' and what shipments are normal invoicing.
    If there are shipments for the period in question please address these.
    The shipments that have customers set to 'Batch Invoicing' and/or 'One invoice per order' follow the steps in the link Batch Invoicing customers using a Sale Invoice Run . Also noted below.

Sales Invoices

  1. Log onto Readysell>Sales>Invoices
  2. Select from the drop-down filter from the top ribbon 'Posting or Failed'
    If any transactions appear in the list please contact Readysell before continuing.

  3. Then select the filter of 'Outstanding Invoices'. If there are any please address these.

Service Orders: (if you use this module)

  1. Log onto Readysell>Service>Service Orders
  2. Select from the drop-down filter from the top ribbon 'Posting or Failed' and 'Outstanding service orders'
    If any transactions appear in the list please contact Readysell before continuing.

Meter Count Runs: (If you use this module) 
Note: Check that all meter charge run invoices have been generated for the month before generating customer statements

  1. Log onto Readysell>Service>Meter Count Run
  2. Select from the drop-down filter from the top ribbon 'Posting or Failed'
    If any transactions appear in the list please contact Readysell before continuing

  3. Then check and ensure that there are no meter counts runs outstanding and have not yet been charged for that period by selecting the filter 'Outstanding Meter count runs'

Customer Debits>Customer Credits>Customer Payments

  1. Log onto each one of these Modules from Debtors and Creditors
    Ensure the drop-down filter is on 'All customer Credits or Debits or Payments'. Depending on which module you are reviewing


  2. Add the field of 'Status' to the list view by right-clicking and selecting 'Column chooser'

     Show me Column Chooser

  3. Find the field of Status in the list and draw it to the list view

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    Click on the Triangle on the field of 'Status'
    If any status other than POSTED appears in the selection eg Open 
    Select OPEN and every other status other than POSTED and address each one

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Bank Deposits>Bank Payments>Bank Transfers

  1. Log onto each one of these modules separately from Readysell>Financials>Bank Deposits, then Bank Payments
    Drop the Filter in the ribbon and firstly check for 'Posting and Failed'
    Then check for 'Outstanding Bank Payments' - 'Outstanding Bank Deposits'

  2. If there should be any please address these

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  3. In the Bank Transfer module, add the field of 'Status' to the list view by right-clicking and selecting 'Column chooser'
    Click on the Status field and see if there are any with a status OTHER THAN  POSTED.
    If there are you will need to address these.

Customers that have an Invoice mode of either 'Batch Invoicing' or 'One Invoice Per Order'

This step needs to be done before Statements are generated.
If you have addressed this issue earlier in the document then just continue with below.

Check to see if there are any Customers that have been set to 'Batch Invoicing' or 'One Invoice Per Order'.
You can check by using the Sales Shipments list view and create a view variant (if you haven't already done so) and populate the fields of 'Invoice Mode', 'Invoiced,, Sales Invoice.

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Then click on the heading of 'Invoice Mode' and select each one of 'Batch Invoicing' then 'Invoice Per Order'.
If you have not addressed these earlier in the document, you can do so within the Shipments list view or you can run the process to Invoice these through the Batch Invoicing customers using a Sale Invoice Run

Either method will work.

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Batch Invoicing & One Invoice Per Order Invoicing documentation: Batch Invoicing customers using a Sale Invoice Run

Report to show Unallocated Customer Payments 

Run a report to check that all payments have been allocated to the best of your ability. See below 'Running a Customer Open items List' 

If there are no transactions with a status of Failed or Posting or Open or Uninvoiced and you have run the Invoices for your customers that have been set to 'Batch Invoicing' or 'Invoice Per Order', you can continue with the Customer Trial Balance and Customer Statements. See steps below

The Total Balance on the Customer Trial Balance must equal the General Ledger total for Trade Debtors for that Period. In order to balance back to General Ledger you need to have already entered the Brought Forward Manual Journal from your old system into readysell as a starting position.
If there is a discrepancy do not run your Customer Statements until you find the variance and fix it if possible.

Lastly, once everything is checked and reports and statements are completed you can choose to close the Period.

Running a Customer Open Items List of Payments that are either Part or Not allocated

  1. Log onto Readysell>Reports>List View>EOM Customer Open Items Report

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    Highlight Filter  'Customer Payments Part or Not allocated'

    1. Click on 'Show Report Using filter'
    2. The Result will appear on to screen
    3. Either Print the result or just review it on the screen and allocate whatever payments if you can.
    4. Then rerun the report when you have tidied up customer payment allocations.

Customer Trial Balance Summary (run manually)

You can set the customer trial balance to run as a schedule see a link to the document 
Scheduling a report to run automatically on a periodic basis

  1. Select Form Reports>Customer Trial Balance (Summary)

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  2. Highlight the report and click on 'Show Report Using Parameters' in the detail area

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    1. Enter the 'End Date' to be the last day of the month for which you are closing 
    2. Leave 'start' and 'end customers' fields to be blank
  3. Click On OK to run the Report

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    Print the report and leave the report open on the Screen
    Go to the last page of the customer's trial balance.

    The total value outstanding should balance back to the General ledger accounts receivable control account for that Period in question if you have inserted the started position into the general ledger.
    If you have not inserted a starting journal entry yet, you can still balance back. Speak to Readysell.

General Ledger Accounts Receivable Account control account.

Ensure that your brought forward Journal has been entered into Readysell for the starting position in order to balance the customer trial balance for a period back to the General ledger accounts receivable control account for the same period.

    1. Log onto Financials
    2. Select Accounts/List view
    3. Highlight the Trade Debtors GL Account usually 12005
    4. Click on 'Set Period Range' in the top ribbon to be the current YYYYMM that you are running end of the month and click on OK
    5. Check that the Actual Closing Balance = Total on the Customer Trial Balance.
      If it varies then you need to find it or submit a ticket to Readysell to Investigate.

Running Customer Statements that are Not Set to Email

    1. Log onto Readysell
    2. Click on Report
    3. Click on Form Reports
    4. Search and highlight 'Statement of Account' or 'Statement of Account (with Remittance). Whichever one you use.
    5. Click on 'Show Report Using Parameters
    6. Enter the Statement date at the last date of the month
    7. Leave start and end customer blank
    8. If you don't want to print statements with zero balance then ensure the flag is on for 'Skip Zero Balances'
    9. If you don't want to print statements that are in Credit balance then ensure the flag is on for 'Skip Credit Balances'
    10. If the Customers Cards have been set to Email Statement then ensure that the 'Skip Auto email Statements' flag is on.
    11. If the Customers Cards have been set to 'Skip Delivery Method None' and you don't wish to print these then turn this check box on.
    12. Click on OK to extract the statements.
    13. The statement will appear to screen. Check a few then Print
    14. Print the statements that are not set to email by clicking on the Print Icon
    15. Close Out Once done.

Running Statements that are Set To Email

Rules: Ensure the following setups are done on each customer card before you run your statement run

  • Customer Card must have a status of Active or On Stop
  • Customer card>Settings>Customer Settings>Statement method must be set to Email
  • Each customer card must have at least one contact that has an email address and that contact must be flagged as either 'Statement Recipient' and/or 'Account Payable'
  • Each customer card must have at least one address that is flagged as 'Accounts'
    1. Log Onto Readysell>Relationships
    2. Select Email Batch
    3. Click on New
    4. Make sure that the 'Type' = Statements
    5. You can modify or add to the email subject if you wish
    6. Enter in the 'Name' field something to stand for the month and year of the statement eg June Statements 2014
    7. If you don't want a copy of the statement yourself then clear the CC and BCC fields as all emails can be found in the Messages Module within readysell.
    8. Click on the 'Extract Batch' action button on the top ribbon
    9. Enter the following Details
      1. Statement Date - enter the last day of the month for the statement run for the month in question
      2. Start and End Customer should be left blank
      3. Skip Zero Balances leave this check box on ( this means that statements for customers that have a zero balance will not be generated)
      4. Skip Credit Balances leave this check box on ( this means that statements for customers that have a balance less than 0.00 will not be generated)
      5. Skip Auto Email Statements (leave this off) (this means that customers that have 'statement method' set to 'Email/Fax' will be part of this batch run)
      6. Skip Delivery Method None' (leave this ON) this means that customers that have 'statement method' set to None will not be part of this batch run.
    10. Click on OK
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    1. A list of Customers with Email addresses will appear on to screen
    2. Check the results and if you don't wish to email any one of the customer statements, then hold down the control button on your keyboard, highlight each customer that you wish to exclude from the run and then click on Delete in the detail area.
    3. Or Delete each individual one that you don't want to email 
    4. Click on Save to save the changes to the Email Batch Run.
    5. If an email address is not right on the Email Batch Run for a Customer, Ensure you change it not only on the Email Batch Run and Save it but also on the Card Contact for the Accounts Payable.
    6. Once all tidy-ups have been done on the Batch, Click on 'Run Batch Now' to email the statements.
    7. The screen will open onto the 'Log' Tab.
    8. Once the Log file reads 'Statements Email batch Completed, you can click on the 'Lines' Tab and check the field of 'Success' Status has a tick on each line.
    9. Ensure the Status on the Entire Batch itself reads 'Posted'
    10. To Review which emails were actually sent.
    11. Click on Relationships
    12. Click On Email Batch 
    13. Highlight the date of the batch and Review the result. 

Closing Financial Period

    1. Log onto readysell
    2. Select Administration
    3. Select Period Periods
    4. Find and highlight the period that you need to close.
    5. Click on the 'Closed' check box and click on Save.

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    6. You may get a validation error when trying to close the period. You will not be able to close the period until you finalise all purchase receipts, sales shipments,supplier credits etc.

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