Record defaults system type
Record defaults system type
Record | Description | Default Value |
Card.AutoEmailRemittances | Default value for the Customer Order Required property on Card | |
Card.CardType | The code for the default value for the Card Type property on Card | |
Card.CustomerCreditLimit | Default value for the Customer Credit Limit property on Card | |
Card.CustomerOrderRequired | Default value for the Customer Order Required property on Card | |
Card.CustomerPaymentTerm | The ID for the default value for the Customer Payment Term property on Card | |
Card.CustomerTender | The ID for the default value for the Customer Tender property on Card | |
Card.DeliveryDocketDeliveryMethod | Default value for the Delivery Docket Delivery Method property on Card | |
Card.InvoiceDeliveryMethod | Default value for the Invoice Delivery Method property on Card (see Invoice delivery methods) | |
Card.InvoiceMode | Default value for the Invoice Mode property on Card | |
Card.LeadTime | Default value for the Lead Time property on Card | |
Card.LoyaltyPointsMode | The code for the default value for the Loyalty Points Mode property on Card Options are: -Override -Default -Disabled - Multiply | |
Card.MaximumShipmentsPerSale | Default value to the maximum shipments allowed per sales order property on the Card | |
Card.PriceLevel | The code for the default value for the Price Level property on Card | |
Card.StatementDeliveryMethod | Default value for the Statement Delivery Method property on Card (see Statement delivery methods) | |
Card.SupplierCreditLimit | Default value for the Supplier Credit Limit property on Card | |
Card.SupplierPaymentTerm | The ID for the default value for the Supplier Payment Term property on Card | |
Card.SupplierTender | The ID for the default value for the Supplier Tender property on Card | |
Case.CaseType | Default value for the Case Type property on Case | Issue |
CompleteSaleScreen.ConsignmentItems | Default value for the Consignment Items property on Complete Sale Screen | |
Contract.ContractPriceType | Default value for the Contract Price Type property on Contract | |
Machine.MachineStatus | Default Value for the Machine Status | |
Note.External | Default value for the External property on Note | |
Note.CopyToFirstShipmentOnly | Default value for the copy to first shipment on Note | False |
Product.AllowPurchaseFromSale | Default value for the Allow Purchase From Sale property on Product | True |
Product.DisplayOnWebsite | Default value for the Display on Website property on Product | 0 |
Product.IgnoreCatalogueBarCode | The code for the default value for the Ignore Catalogue Bar Code property on Product | |
Product.IgnoreCatalogueBuyUnitAndCost | The code for the default value for the Ignore Catalogue Buy Unit and Cost property on Product | |
Product.IgnoreCatalogueCategory | The code for the default value for the Ignore Catalogue Category property on Product | |
Product.IgnoreCatalogueDescription | The code for the default value for the Ignore Catalogue Description property on Product | |
Product.IgnoreCatalogueMinimumOrderQuantity | The code for the default value for the Ignore Catalogue Minimum Order Quantity property on Product | |
Product.IgnoreCatalogueName | The code for the default value for the Ignore Catalogue Name property on Product | |
Product.IgnoreCatalogueSellUnitAndPrice | The code for the default value for the Ignore Catalogue Sell Unit and Price property on Product | |
Product.IgnoreCatalogueStatus | The code for the default value for the Ignore Catalogue Status property on Product | |
Product.IgnoreCatalogueSupplier | The code for the default value for the Ignore Catalogue Supplier property on Product | |
Product.PriceCategory | The code for the default value for the Price Category property on Product | |
Product.TaxCodeBuy | The code for the default value for the Tax Code Buy property on Product | |
Product.TaxCodeSell | The code for the default value for the Tax Code Sell property on Product | |
Product.Warranty | The code for the default value for the Warranty property on Product | |
ProductSupplier.BuyShipUnit | The display name for the default value for the Buy Ship Unit property on Product-Supplier | |
ProductSupplier.DefaultBuyUnit | The display name for the default value for the Default Buy Unit property on Product-Supplier | |
ProductSupplier.DefaultOrderUnit | The display name for the default value for the Default Order Unit property on Product-Supplier | |
PurchaseInvoice.CostUpdateMode | Default value for the Cost Update Mode property on Purchase Invoice. The values allowed are Updateallcosts,Updateincreasedcosts or Donotupdatecosts. Updateallcosts, the default value causes all purchase invoices to default to updating costs from the purchase invoice to the product supplier for each product on the purchase invoice. Only the product supplier that matches the supplier on the purchase invoice is updated. A new product supplier is created for the product if the product/supplier combination does not exist on the product. | UpdateAllCosts |
PurchaseSaleScreen.Type | Default value for the Type Dproperty on Purchase Sale Screen Options are: - Dropshipment - RegularPurcahse - Allocatedpurchase | |
SaleOrder.MaximumShipments | Default value for the Maximum Shipments property on Sale Order | |
ServiceOrder.OrderType | Default value for the Order Type property on Service Order | Maintenance |
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