Transaction Type
Transaction Type
Note that the table is alphabetically listed on Code to assist the look-up process.
Navigation Location | Code | Description |
Relationships | BATEML | Batch Email |
Bulk Update Runs | BLKRUN | Bulk Update Run |
Financials>Cash Book | CBKCOI | Cash Out (In) |
CBKCOO | Cash Out (Out) | |
CBKDEP | Miscellaneous Cashbook Deposit | |
CBKLBC | Lay-By Cancellation Fee | |
CBKLBP | Lay-By Payment | |
CBKLBR | Lay-By Refund | |
CBKLRD | Lay-By Rounding Payment | |
CBKORC | Customer Order Cancellation Fee | |
CBKORD | Order Rounding Payment | |
CBKORP | Customer Order Payment | |
CBKORR | Customer Order Refund | |
CBKPAY | Miscellaneous Cashbook Payment | |
Sales | CBKPIO | Pay-in/Pay-out |
Financials>Cash Book | CBKREC | Bank Reconciliation |
CBKTRN | Miscellaneous Cashbook Transfer | |
CBKVRN | Negative Cash Count Variance | |
CBKVRP | Positive Cash Count Variance | |
Relationships | CRDALC | Card Allocation |
CRDCAS | Case | |
Sales>Shifts | CSHCNT | Cash Count |
Relationships | CUSCMP | Customer Campaign |
CUSPRI | Customer Contract Pricing | |
Inventory>Customer Transactions | CUSCRE | Customer Credit |
CUSDEB | Customer Debit | |
CUSPAY | Customer Payment | |
Sales | GIFREG | Gift Registry |
Financials | GLJMAN | General Ledger Manual Journal |
GLJREV | General Ledger Reversing Journal | |
GLJSTD | General Ledger Standing Journal | |
GLSTAN | General Ledger Standing Journal Template | |
GSTBAT | GST Batch | |
Administration | INTCHK | Integrity Check |
Service | MCRINV | MeterCountRun Invoice |
MCRSHP | MeterCountRun Shipment | |
METADJ | Meter Count Adjustment | |
METCHG | Meter Charge Run | |
MTCRUN | Meter Count Run | |
MMURUN | Min/Max Update Run | |
Inventory | PBKRUN | Price Book Run |
PCHRUN | Price Change Run | |
PRDLBL | Product Label | |
PRDMAL | Product Movement Allocation | |
??? | PHOINV | Photocopier Suggested Invoice |
Purchasing | PURCRD | Purchase Credit |
PURINV | Purchase Invoice | |
PURORD | Purchase Order | |
PURREC | Purchase Order Stock Receipt | |
PURSUG | Purchase Suggested Order | |
Sales | SALBAT | Batch Shipment |
SALCCR | Customer Credit Request | |
SALCNT | Meter Count Shipment | |
SALCRD | Sales Credit | |
SALDLY | Sale Delivery | |
SALHCL | Sale Hire Collection | |
SALHDL | Sale Hire Delivery | |
SALHIN | Sale Hire Invoice | |
SALHIR | Sale Hire | |
SALHLD | Sale Holding | |
SALINV | Tax Invoice | |
SALIRN | Sale Invoice Run | |
SALLAB | Sale Shipment Label | |
SALLAY | Lay-By Sales/Credit | |
SALLBI | Lay-By Invoice | |
SALLBS | Lay-By Shipment | |
SALLCI | Lay-By Cancellation Invoice | |
SALLCS | Lay-By Cancellation Shipment | |
SALMCI | Meter Charge Invoice | |
SALMCS | Meter Charge Sale Shipment | |
SALOCI | Customer Order Cancellation Invoice | |
SALOCS | Customer Order Cancellation Shipment | |
SALOIN | Tax Invoice (Ordered Goods) | |
SALORD | Sale Order | |
SALPOR | Sale Run(Invoice Preordered Products) | |
SALQUO | Quote | |
SALRET | Sale Return | |
SALRUN | Sale Run | |
SALSHP | Sale Shipment | |
SALSRN | Sale Shipment Run | |
SALSTD | Sale Standing | |
SALWEB | Sale Web Order | |
SALWIN | Web Tax Invoice | |
SALWSH | Web Sale Shipment | |
Service | SERJOB | Service Job |
SRVACT | Service Order Activity | |
SRVCAL | Service Order Call | |
SRVCUS | Service Agreement | |
SRVINV | Service Order Invoice | |
SRVORD | Service Order | |
SRVQUO | Service Order Quote | |
SRVRET | Service Return | |
SRVSHP | Service Order Shipment | |
SRVSUP | Supplier Service Agreement | |
SRVTMP | Service Order Template | |
SRVWAR | Service Order Warranty | |
Inventory | STKALC | Stock Allocation |
STKAUT | Auto Generated Stock Quantity Adjustment | |
STKCRD | Supplier Credit Request | |
STKDIS | Supplier Credit Dispatch | |
STKLOC | Stock Location Transfer | |
STKLTA | Stock Location Transfer Adjustment | |
STKQTY | Stock Quantity Adjustment | |
STKREP | Stock Replenishment Run | |
STKTAK | Stocktake | |
Relationships>Supplier Transactions | SUPCRE | Supplier Credit |
SUPDEB | Supplier Debit | |
SUPPAY | Supplier Manual Payment | |
SUPREC | Supplier Payment Reconciliation | |
SUPSUG | Payment Run | |
Inventory | TRNIN | Transfer In |
TRNOUT | Transfer Out |