Dashboard metrics system type


The dashboard metric system type is used to customise the rules behind how Actionable Metrics are calculated and classified.

System References

CodeDescriptionDefault Value
AVERAGE-ORDER-LINES-DAYSRolling number of days to consider when calculating average lines per order90
AVERAGE-ORDER-LINES-TARGETTarget for the average number of lines per order5
AVERAGE-ORDER-VALUE-DAYSRolling number of days to consider when calculating average order value90
AVERAGE-ORDER-VALUE-TARGETTarget for the average order value100
Target for number of dead stock products250
DEAD-STOCK-DAYSNumber of days in which stock has not been sold before it's considered 'dead'365
DEAD-STOCK-VALUE-TARGETTarget for value of dead stock products10000
INACTIVE-CUSTOMER-DAYSNumber of days without a sale before a customer is considered "inactive"180
LOCATIONS-WITH-STOCK-TARGETTarget for number of locations with stock on hand30
OLDEST-OUTSTANDING-PURCHASE-ORDER-TARGETTarget for the age (in days) of the oldest outstanding purchase order.14
OLDEST-OUTSTANDING-SALE-ORDER-TARGETTarget for the age (in days) of the oldest outstanding sale order.14
PERCENT-STOCKED-PRODUCTS-WITH-EZCODES-TARGETTarget for percentage of stocked products with EZ Codes75
PRODUCTS-IN-STOCK-TARGETTarget for number of products with stock on hand
PRODUCTS-WITH-HIGH-GP-TARGETTarget for number of products with a high GP%10
PRODUCTS-WITH-HIGH-GP-VALUEGP% value which is considered high300
PRODUCTS-WITH-LOW-GP-TARGETTarget for number of products with a low GP%50
PRODUCTS-WITH-LOW-GP-VALUEConsiders non-archived products in a stock controlled category where the GP% on the default price level is less than the defined threshold.10
PRODUCTS-WITH-NO-SUPPLIER-PRODUCT-ID-TARGETConsiders non-archived products in a stock controlled category where there is no "Supplier Product ID" on the primary product-supplier.10
SALE-ORDERS-PER-MONTH-DAYSRolling number of days to consider when calculating sales orders per month180
SALE-ORDERS-PER-MONTH-TARGETTarget for sales orders per month
SALES-FULFILMENT-RATE-DAYSRolling number of days to consider when calculating sales fulfilment rate30
SALES-FULFILMENT-RATE-TARGETTarget for sales fulfilment rate80
SALES-GROSS-PROFIT-PERCENT-DAYSRolling number of days to consider when calculating sales GP%30
SALES-PROCESSED-PER-DAY-DAYSRolling number of days to consider when calculating sales processed per day30
SALES-PROCESSED-PER-DAY-TARGETTarget for sales processed per day
SHIPMENTS-PICKED-PER-DAY-DAYSRolling number of days to consider when calculating shipments picked per day30
SHIPMENTS-PICKED-PER-DAY-TARGETTarget for shipments picked per day
STOCK-TURNS-PER-YEAR-SALES-DAYSRolling number of days of sales of consider when calculating stock turns per year30
STOCK-TURNS-PER-YEAR-SALES-TARGETTarget for number of stock turns per year12