File path system type

CodeDescriptionDefault Value
ABADefault location to export ABA files

ATTACHMENTLocation where attachment files are stored

ATTACHMENT-DROPLocation where attachment files can be dropped to be auto-injested into Readysell

Locate the folder and drop in any file matching the following formats:

    • Type TransactionNumber (e.g. "SaleInvoice 10001.pdf") OR
      TransactionType, Field, FieldValue
    • PurchaseInvoice SupplierInvoice ABC-123.pdf
    • SupplierPayment PaymentReference 1234.doc
    • Barcode (e.g. S%Q10001 fop shipment 10001)

The file should be automatically attached to the related record

EMAIL-BATCH-DEFAULT-IMAGESLocation where email batch default images are stored

EMAIL-BATCH-IMAGESLocation where email batch images are stored

EMAIL-DEFAULT-IMAGESLocation where email default images are stored

EXPORTDefault location for Readysell Windows to export to

EXPORT-SERVERDefault location for Readysell Server to export to

INSTALLLocation on the server where the Readysell files are storedC:\Program Files\Readysell Computer Solutions\Readysell\
MYSQLLocation on the server where the MySQL server files are storedC:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5
NOTE-IMAGESLocation where note images are stored

PRODUCT-IMAGESLocation where product images are stored

READYSELL-SERVERLocation on the server where the Readysell Server files are storedC:\Program Files\Readysell Computer Solutions\Readysell\Readysell.Server
READYSELL-WEBLocation on the server where the Readysell Web files are storedC:\Program Files\Readysell Computer Solutions\Readysell\Readysell.Web
READYSELL-WINLocation on the server where the Readysell Windows files are storedC:\Program Files\Readysell Computer Solutions\Readysell\Readysell.Win
SIGNATURE-IMAGESLocation where signature images are stored

TEMPORARYTemporary location to store files Readysell requires for general use