System system type

System system type

CodeDescriptionDefault Value
ALLOW-PERIOD-EDITINGAllow for period start/end dates to be edited (for example, for 4-4-5 arrangements)False (except for W&B/KL)
ATTACHMENTS-MIGRATEDWhether attachment files have been migrated to the new file structure.True
ATTACHMENT-USER-PASSWORDPassword of the Windows user used to access the attachment file share
ATTACHMENT-USER-USERNAMEUsername of the Windows user used to access the attachment file share
AUTO-REFRESH-TABSAutomatically refresh the data displayed when you load a tab.True
CATALOGUE-LOAD-BATCH-SLICECatalogue load batch slice200
COLOR-CODE-STATUSColour code the transaction statusTrue
FULL-TEXT-SEARCH-AGGRESSIVENESS The level of aggressiveness for full text search matching (1, 2 or 3) 1
GL-OFFLINE-FUTURE-PERIODSOnly calculate the closing balances of BalanceAndBudgets up to the current periodFalse
POS-THEMEName of the theme to use for Readysell Point of SaleOffice 2010 Blue
PRINTING-POLLING-INTERVALInterval time for printing polling (In Seconds).60
RELEASE-CHANNELChannel to use for upgrades (usually either Beta or Stable)Stable
SCAN-ERROR-SOUNDFile name of sound file to be played when barcode scanning produces an errorBarcodeError.wav
SERVER-HOSTNAMEHostname of the Readysell Serverlocalhost
SERVER-PORTPort of the Readysell Server8205
SERVICE-NAMEName of the ReadysellServer serviceReadysellServer
SHOW-TIME-ON-TRANSACTION-DATESShow time on transaction dates.True
TEST-DB-NAMEName of test databaseReadysellTest
  1. From the Navigation panel
  2. Click on Administration
  3. Click on Advanced
  4. Click on System Types
  5. Click on System
  6. The following fields are required to be field in for a live system.
  • SERVER-HOSTNAME - This is the name of the server that Readysell resides on
  • SERVER-PORT -  Port of the Readysell Server, Generally (8205)
  • SERVICE-NAME - This is the name of the Readysell database, generally (ReadysellServer)
  • TEST-DB-NAME - This is the name of the Readysell test database, generally (ReadysellTest)

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