Service system type

Service system type

CodeDescriptionDefault ValueComment
AUTO-CREATE-MPS-MACHINESAutomatically create new machines during MPS system importsFalse
AUTO-CREATE-MPS-METERSAutomatically create new meters during MPS system importsFalse
AUTO-CREATE-MPS-PRODUCTSAutomatically create new products during MPS system importsFalse
AUTO-INCREASE-METER-CHARGE-DECIMAL-PLACESMaximum number of decimal places to use when auto increasing meter charge pricesEnter a value eg 4Allow up to 4 decimal places when running the task to auto increase meter pricing. It will round up.

CANAUS-METER-PASSWORDCanon System Linkage Password

CANAUS-METER-SECTIONSCanon System Linkage Section Count1
CANAUS-METER-USERNAMECanon System Linkage Username

COUNT-COLLECTION-OVERRIDE-EMAILMeter count collection override email address

COUNT-COLLECTION-OVERRIDE-URLMeter count collection override URL

METER-AUTO-BALANCE-EXPIRY-DAYSMeter auto balance expiry days90
METER-MINIUM-USAGE-EXPIRY-PERIODSNumber of periods to expiry the meter usage that created using minimum usage type 3
PREPOPULATE-SERVICE-ORDER-LINE-ACTION-BYPrepopulate service order line action by fieldFalseIf the value of this system reference is true. Then the actioned by field on all service call actions will prepopulate (fill in by default) as the technician assigned to the call. This saves a lot of time if the technician doing the work is almost always the same as the technician assigned to the call. If two technicians are working on the call, you would have to change the actioned by to suit.
PREPOPULATE-SERVICE-ORDER-LINE-DATEPrepopulate service order line date fieldFalseIf the value of this system reference is true. Then the actioned by field on all service call actions will prepopulate (fill in by default) as the technician assigned to the call. This saves a lot of time if the technician doing the work is almost always the same as the technician assigned to the call. If two technicians are working on the call, you would have to change the actioned by to suit.
SERVICE-CALL-ACTIVITY-REQUIREDMandatory service order activity types
Enter the codes of any service order activity types that are required on every service order. For example 'LBR' for labour.
SUPPLY-REPLENISHMENT-AUTO-ALLOCATEAutomatically allocate stock on generated supply replensihment salesTrue
  1. Set the "SUPPLY-REPLENISHMENT-AUTO-ALLOCATE" system reference (type "SERVICE") to "False"
  2. Ensure some machines are ready to generate replenishments
  3. Navigate to Administration > Tasks
  4. Run the "Generate Recurring Transactions" job
TRAVEL-TIME-PRODUCTTravel time product
Enter the product code of the product to be used for travel time. For example 'TRAV'
WEB-PORTAL-COUNTS-ENABLEDUse the web portal to accept email counts rather then the email parser.