Purchasing system type

Purchasing system type

CodeDescriptionDefault Value
AUTO-CLOSE-PURCHASE-INVOICE-WHEN-POSTEDAuto close purchase invoice when posted1
CHECK-PRODUCTSITE-QUANTITIES-FOR-PURCHASE-RUNRequire a realtime productsite quantities for purchase run.False
FILTER-PRODUCTS-FOR-CURRENT-SUPPLIERFilter the products on a purchase order to only show those for the currently selected supplier.True
MAXIMUM-LINE-PRICE-VARIANCE-PERCENTMaximum line price variance percent
MIN-MAXMin/Max Reordering System Enabled0
PURCHASE-INVOICE-OPEN-ITEM-COMMENT Property name of purchase invoice [Site, PurchaseOrderTransactionNumber, PurchaseReceiptTransactionNumber, Notes] going to store in open item commentSite 
RECEIPT-LOCATION-BLANK-IF-ZERO-STOCKDefault a purchase receipt line's location to be blank if the primary product location has zero stock on hand.False
RECEIPT-LOCATION-SCANNINGEnable the location scanning feature when purchase receipting.False
RECEIPT-USING-DEFAULT-BUY-UNITDefault a purchase receipt line's unit to the default buy unit for that product (rather than the order unit).False
REQUIRE-MANUAL-VALUE-ON-PURCHASE-INVOICERequire a manual total to be specified on a purchase invoice for validation purposes.True

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