Key Form Reports Overview

Key Form Reports Overview

Form reports produce presentation quality output covering most of your requirements. They are one of the easiest types of report to run. The best practice is to :

  • use form reports for most of your reporting requirements
  • Use Analysis reports for the areas that don't suit form reports, such as adhoc reporting,  cross tab views of your data, your custom management reporting requirements or where it is necessary to "drill into" the data in more depth. There is a separate overview document for key analysis reports

You will not be able to make best use of Readysell reporting unless, when converting to Readysell, you allocate a few hours to reports in your training program


(1)  Executable reports can be run from the form reports option in reports on the navigation panel. Reports that are not execultable are "Built in" to particular workflows and can only be run from that specific place

(2) Readysell uses a data "cube" process to improve performance of some reports. Some of the reports will show as blank if the appropriate cube is not turned on for your site. If required contact Readysell support to assist with appropraite setup of the data cube task for your site.

ReportIDReport NameExecutable (1)CategoryKey ColumnsHow To Run The Report (2)PurposeShow Me

Balance Sheet (All Sites)
Financials - General LedgerAccount, Description, Movement, Closing BalanceReports > Form Reports > Balance Sheet (All Sites) > Highlight Paramater and click on 'show report using parameters'. Enter the Start and End Periods, leave the default site or select the relevant site; Depth normally 8; Print Zero Balances checked ON (to print) or OFF(dont print)

balance sheet is a statement of what a business owns (assets) and owes (liabilities), and the value of the owner's equity (or net worth of the business) at a specific point in time. The information listed on the report must match the following formula: Total assets = Total liabilities + Equity. The difference between the assets and liabilities is known as owner’s equity. The balance sheet is so named because the equity must equal assets minus liabilities

Posting are Ex GST

The balance sheet reports is for end of time. Balance sheet is about everything up until now.

Balance Sheet (Multiple Sites)
Financials - General LedgerAccount, Description, Movement, Closing BalanceReports > Form Reports > Balance Sheet (Multiple Sites) > HIghlight Parmater and click on 'show report using paremeters'. Enter the Start and End Periods, Depth normally 8; Print Zero Balances checked ON (to print) or OFF(dont print); Insert the Sites that you require to report on.

balance sheet is a statement of what a business owns (assets) and owes (liabilities), and the value of the owner's equity (or net worth of the business) at a specific point in time. The information listed on the report must match the following formula: Total assets = Total liabilities + Equity. The difference between the assets and liabilities is known as owner’s equity. The balance sheet is so named because the equity must equal assets minus liabilities

Posting are Ex GST

The balance sheet reports is for end of time. Balance sheet is about everything up until now.

F-001Bank DepositsYesFinancials - Cash BookDate, Tender,Transaction Number, Card ID, Payee Name, BSB, Account Number, Payment Reference, Description, Value. Totals by Tender with a Count (number of transactions for that tender)Reports > Form Reports > Bank Deposits > Paramter Name > Show Report Using Parameters> Enter the start and end dates. Normally you would only deposit Cash and Cheques so a Filter may need to be set up. If you wish to run it for all tenders no filter is required.This report lists a break up by day by tender of all money that has been or will be deposited into your financial institution. It is broken up by Tender and totalled by Tender. It can also be used as a list of all money (deposit and Payments) in and out of your bank account. The last page on the report is a summay by tender with a total dollar value. The report can print each tender and related details on a new page as the tender changes or all tenders on the one page (See system reference code "BANK-DEPOSIT-PAGE-BREAK-BY-TENDER" in report settings. You are prompted for Start and End Dates and End Time. The report can compress cash tenders by turning the check box on for this filter. The report can also include Reversals by turning the check box on for this filter. The report can also be filtered for certain tenders only.
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F-002Unpresented BankingsYesFinancials - Cash BookDate, Transaction Number, Card ID, Card Name,Description, Payment Reference, Value.Reports > Form Reports > Unpresented Bankings> Highlight the Parameter and click on Show Report Using Parameter > Enter the Start and End DatesThis report gives you a list of all bankings that have not been presented in a bank reconcilation for the date range you have selected. The report prompts you for a Start Date and End Date. The report is broken up by Transaction type and the description of the transaction type, totalling by transaction type of only Unpresented Bankings for the date range selected.
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F-003Z-Read ReportNoFinancials - General LedgerSummary by Tender, Summary by Transaction Type, Z-Read Metrics and Daily Sales Metrics.Sales> Shifts > Show In Report > Z-Read ReportZ -Read report is a typical end-of-day report containing all movements/transactions that have happened on any workstation. This report is broken up by TenderId and Tender name, with a total value, counted value and variance for each tender for each workstation or combined workstation for each shift.
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F-004Balance Sheet (By Site)YesFinancials - General LedgerAccount, Description, Movement, Closing Balance.Reports > Form Reports > Balance Sheet (By Site) > HIghlight Parmater and click on 'show report using paremeters'. Enter the Start and End Periods, leave the default site or select the relevant site; Depth normally 8; Print Zero Balances checked ON (to print) or OFF(dont print)

balance sheet is a statement of what a business owns (assets) and owes (liabilities), and the value of the owner's equity (or net worth of the business) at a specific point in time. The information listed on the report must match the following formula: Total assets = Total liabilities + Equity. The difference between the assets and liabilities is known as owner’s equity. The balance sheet is so named because the equity must equal assets minus liabilities
Posting are Ex GST

The balance sheet reports is for end of time. Balance sheet is about everything up until now.
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F-005Balance Sheet Budget (by Site)YesFinancials - General LedgerAccount, Description, Months, Total.Reports > Form Reports > Balance Sheet (By Site) > HIghlight Parmater and click on 'show report using paremeters'. Enter the Start and End Periods, leave the default site or select the relevant site; Depth normally 8; Print Zero Balances checked ON (to print) or OFF(dont print)

A budgeted balance sheet is a report that management uses to predict the levels of assets, liabilities, and equity based on the budget that has been entered against each account for the current accounting period. In other words, the budgeted balance sheet shows where all of the accounts would be at the end of a period if the actual company performance matched the budgeted estimates.

Posting are Ex GST

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F-006Balance Sheet Variance (by Site)YesFinancials - General LedgerAccount, Movement Actual $, Movement Budget $, Movement Variance $, Variance %, Closing Actual $, Closing Budget $, Closing Variance $, Variance %.Reports > Form Reports > Balance Sheet Variance (by Site)> HIghlight Parmater and click on 'show report using paremeters'. Enter the Start and End Periods, leave the default site or select the relevant site; Depth normally 8; Print Zero Balances checked ON (to print) or OFF(dont print)

The Balance Sheet Variance Report displays the balance sheet accounts down the page.

It allows you to compare Actuals versus Budgets for the period and includes Variance $ and Variance Percentaage versus YTD Actual and YTD Budget and YTD Variance $ and YTD Variance % columns. The Balance Sheet Variance Report identifies percentage increases or decreases from period to period exceeding a certain threshold.

Posting are Ex GST

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F-007General Ledger Trial Balance (By Site)YesFinancials - General LedgerAccount ID, Description, Opening Balances, Debits, Credits, Movement, Closing Balances.

Reports > Form Reports > General Ledger Trial Balance (By Site).

You have a choIce with Parameters, either the entire trial balance or by specific account. HIghlight whichever and select 'Show report using parameter'.

Enter the Start and End Period; Start and End Account or Leave blank for all accounts, Site

The General Ledger Trial Balance is a list of closing balances of ledger accounts on a certain date and is the first step towards the preparation of financial statements. It is usually prepared at the end of an accounting period to assist in the drafting of financial statements. Ledger balances are segregated into debit balances and credit balances. Asset and expense accounts appear on the debit side of the trial balance whereas liabilities, capital and income accounts appear on the credit side. If all accounting entries are recorded correctly and all the ledger balances are accurately extracted, the total of all debit balances appearing in the trial balance must equal to the sum of all credit balances.

The General ledger Trial Balance shows the account, description of the account, Opening Balance, Debits, Credits, Movements, Closing Balance.

Posting are Ex GST

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F-008Profit & Loss (By Site)YesFinancials - General LedgerAccount, Description, Movement, YTD.Reports > Form Reports > Profit & Loss (By Site)> Highlight Parameter and click on 'Show report using Parameter'. Enter Start and End Period; Select Site.

The profit and loss statement is a summary of the financial performance of a business over time (monthly, quarterly or annually is most common). Profit and Loss statement (P&L) is a Financial Statement that summarizes the revenues, costs and expenses incurred during a specific period of time. These records provide information about a company's ability – or lack thereof – to generate profit by increasing revenue, reducing costs, or both. The P&L statement is also referred to as "statement of profit and loss", "income statement," "statement of operations," "statement of financial results," and "income and expense statement."

The basic equation on which a profit & loss statement is based is Revenues – Expenses = Profit.

Posting are Ex GST

The profit and loss report is for the last financial year to date. Because profit and loss is about one single year.
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F-009Profit & Loss Budget (by Site)YesFinancials - General LedgerAccount, Description, Months, Total.Reports > Form Reports > Profit & Loss Budget (by Site)> Highlight the Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameters'.

The standard profit and loss report just shows you the actual profit for the selected range of periods. One problem with that approach is you have no basis of comparison against expected profit (the budget). If you invest the time to setup profit and loss budgets, you can then use this report to compare actual profit figures against the budget you expected. This can make the report a lot more meanginful and encourage corrective action where required.

Posting are Ex GST

The profit and loss report is for the last financial year to date. Because profit and loss is about one single year.
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F-010Profit & Loss Variance (by Site)YesFinancials - General LedgerAccount, Movement Actual $, Movement Budget $, Movement Variance $, Variance %, YTD Actual $, YTD Budget $, YTD Variance $, Variance %.Reports > Form Reports > Profit & Loss Variance (by Site)> Highlight the Parameter and then click 'Show Report Using Paremeters'.The standard profit and loss report just shows you the actual profit for the selected range of periods. The profit and loss budget report addresses part of this problem by showing you the actual and budget figures. This profit and loss variance report takes it one more step and shows a substantial amount of analysis of variances between budget and actual profit and loss figures.
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F-011GST Report (By Site and Transaction Type)YesFinancials - TaxSite, Transaction Type, Value Ex, GST Paid, GST Received, Value Inc.Reports > Form Reports > GST Report (By Site and Transaction Type) > A number of parameters to select from.Goods and Services Tax Report. GST is a tax on goods and services that is consumed by the general public. GST is levied at a rate of 10%. This report outputs a Summary of the GST to be Paid and/or Received by Site for Each Transaction Type with Value Ex, GST Paid, Gst Received and Value Including the GST.
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F-012GST Report (Summary)YesFinancials - TaxBAS Code, Description, Value Ex, GST Paid, GST Received, Value Inc.Reports > Form Reports > GST Report (Summary) > A number of parameters to select from. This report outputs a one line summary for each Bas Code, the Total Value Ex, Total GST Paid, Total Gst Received and Total Value Including the GST for the date or period range selected and then an overal total.
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F-013Top ProductsYesInventoryRank, Product ID, Name, Margin, Rank, Units Sold, Rank, Vaule Sold Rank,Reports > Form Reports > Top Products > Filters Tab > Filter =Top 50 Products.The Top Products reports shows the most popular products on your site depending upon what the Filter reads. The default filter is the top 50 products. You can create/copy this default filter and add as many filters as you like. Report displays the Overall Rank, Product Id, Name of the Product, Margin and Rank, Units Sold and Rank, Value Sold and Rank.
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F-023Customer Business ReviewNoRelationshipsGraphs of monthly spend, loyalty points, category spend overview, top products by value and by quantityCards > highlight customer > Click on show in report > Customer Business ReviewGives you a snapshot of the state of any customers business with you. This report run off Cube data called 'SalesByPeriodByCustomerBy Product. This task runs everynight. This report is broken up by Product Category by Month (Period) with Value Ex Tax and is a summary for only Sales Invoices/Credits and Meter charge invoices. .Each category is identified by a Colour for each individual graph. There is a limitation of the reporting framework so the colour coding for the products are not the same between both graphs.. The report also categorises if the orders are Manual or Web orders. Also listed on the report is a summary of the top 20 Products by Value EX . This report can be useful when you are about to call the customer or go out to a customers site.
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F-121Top Selling ProductsNoInventoryRank, Product ID, Name, Supplier, Category, Sell Price, Site Net QOH, Unit Sales, Sales GP%, Sales Value Ex, Sales Value Inc and a Grand Total for all field.Reports > Form Reports > Top Selling Products Parameter > Show report using parameter. enter the Site, Start and End Dates, Supplier , No of Products to report on, Sort Criteria

The Top Sell Product reports shows the most popular products sold on your site that fits the Criteria you have selected.

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F-047Card Delivery Address Label (L7156)YesLabelsDelivery Address Name of the Customer, Delivery Address details.Reports > Form Reports > Card Delivery Address Label (L7156)> Filters tab > Active Customers > Show Report Using FilterCard Delivery Address Label displays the customers Delivery Address to print on Label L7156. There is a filter set for Active Customers. You can create other filters. These labels will open print for customer card where the flag is set to True on 'Delivery' address.
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F-048Card Delivery Address Label (L7157)YesLabelsDelivery Address Name of the Customer, Delivery Address details where Delivery is set to True.Reports > Form Reports > Card Delivery Address Label (L7157) > Active Customers > Show Report Using FilterCard Delivery Address Label displays the customers Delivery Address to print on Label L7157. There is a filter set for Active Customers. You can create other filters. These labels will only print for customer card where the flag is set to True on 'Delivery' address.
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F-049Card Delivery Address Label (L7158)YesLabelsDelivery Address Name of the Customer, Delivery Address details where Delivery is set to True.Reports > Form Reports > Card Delivery Address Label (L7158) > Active Customers > Show Report Using FilterCard Delivery Address Label displays the customers Delivery Address to print on Label L7158. There is a filter set for Active Customers. You can create other filters. These labels will only print for customer card where the flag is set to True on 'Delivery' address.
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F-050Card Delivery Address Label (L7159)YesLabelsDelivery Address Name of the Customer, Delivery Address details where Delivery is set to True.Reports > Form Reports > Card Delivery Address Label (L7159) > Active Customers > Show Report Using FilterCard Delivery Address Label displays the customers Delivery Address to print on Label L7159. There is a filter set for Active Customers. You can create other filters. These labels will only print for customer card where the flag is set to True on 'Delivery' address.
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F-051Card Postal Address Label (L7156)YesLabelsPostal Address Name on the Customer, Postal Address Details where Postal address is set to True.Reports > Form Reports > Card Postal Address Label (L7156) > Active Customers > Show Report Using FilterCard Postal Address Label displays the customers Postal Address to print on Label L7156. There is a filter set for Active Customers. You can create other filters. These labels will only print for customer card where the flag is set to True on 'Postal' address.
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F-052Card Postal Address Label (L7157)YesLabelsPostal Address Name on the Customer, Postal Address Details where Postal address is set to True.Reports > Form Reports > Card Postal Address Label (L7157) > Active Customers > Show Report Using FilterCard Postal Address Label displays the customers Postal Address to print on Label L7157. There is a filter set for Active Customers. You can create other filters. These labels will only print for customer card where the flag is set to True on 'Postal' address.
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F-053Card Postal Address Label (L7158)YesLabelsPostal Address Name on the Customer, Postal Address Details where Postal address is set to True.Reports > Form Reports > Card Postal Address Label (L7158) > Active Customers > Show Report Using FilterCard Postal Address Label displays the customers Postal Address to print on Label L7158. There is a filter set for Active Customers. You can create other filters. These labels will only print for customer card where the flag is set to True on 'Postal' address.
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F-054Card Postal Address Label (L7159)YesLabelsPostal Address Name on the Customer, Postal Address Details where Postal address is set to True.Reports > Form Reports > Card Postal Address Label (L7159) > Active Customers > Show Report Using FilterCard Postal Address Label displays the customers Postal Address to print on Label L7159. There is a filter set for Active Customers. You can create other filters. These labels will only print for customer card where the flag is set to True on 'Postal' address.
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F-055Consignment Label (106mm x 61mm)NoLabelsCompany Address Details, Ship to Address, Shipment Barcode, Shipment Barcode, Number of Labels.Sales > Shipments> Show In Report> Consignment Label (106mm x 61mm)Consignment Labels is to display customer name, address and the number of packages that needs to be delivered to the customer.
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F-056Consignment Label (150mm x 100mm)NoLabelsCompany Address Details, Ship to Address, Shipment Barcode, Shipment Barcode, Number of LabelsSales > Shipments> Show In Report> Consignment Label (150mm x 100mm)Consignment Labels is to display customer name, address and the number of packages that needs to be delivered to the customer.
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F-065Location Label (150mm x 100mm)YesLabelsLocation, Location BarcodeReports > Form Reports > Location Label (150mm x 100mm)> Filter set for one Location.Location Label displasy the name and Barcode of the Location to where Products are located in your Shop/Warehouse for the query set in the filter. You can either Modify the existing query or set up a new filter.
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F-066Location Label (80mm x 25mm)YesLabelsLocation, Location BarcodeReports > Form Reports > Location Label (80mm x 25mm)Location Label displays the name and Barcode of the Location to where Products are located in your Shop/Warehouse for the query set in the filter. You can either Modify the existing query or set up a new filter.
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F-057Product Label (40mm x 15mm)YesLabelsProduct Name, Product Code, Price and Barcode.

Inventory> Product Labels> Show In Report > Product Label (40mm x 15mm)
Inventory>Highlight the Labels you wish to Print>Show In Report >Product Label (40mm x 15mm)

Product Label is to display Information on the content and composition of the Product.
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F-058Product Label (L7156)YesLabelsBarcode Name, Product Code, Product Name, Price.

Inventory> Product Labels> Show In Report > Product Label (L7156)
Inventory>Highlight the Labels you wish to Print>Show In Report >Product Label (L7156)

Product Label is to display Information on the content and composition of the Product.
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F-059Product Retail Label (80mm x 25mm)YesLabelsBarcode Name, Product Code, Product Name, Price.

Inventory> Product Labels> Show In Report > Product Retail Label (80mm x 25mm)
Inventory>Highlight the Labels you wish to Print>Show In Report >Product Label (80mm x 25mm)

Product Label is to display Information on the content and composition of the Product.
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F-060Product Retail Label (L7157)YesLabelsBarcode Name, Product Code, Product Name, Price.Inventory> Product Labels> Show In Report > Product Retail Label (L7157)
Inventory>Highlight the Labels you wish to Print>Show In Report >Product Label (L7157)
Product Label is to display Information on the content and composition of the Product.
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F-061Product Warehouse Label (80mm x 25mm)YesLabelsProduct Name, Barcode, Product Code, Price,Location,SupplierInventory> Product Labels> Show In Report > Product Warehouse Label (80mm x 25mm)
Inventory>Highlight the Labels you wish to Print>Show In Report >Product Label (80mm x 25mm) 
Product Label is to display Information on the content and composition of the Product.
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F-062Product Warehouse Label (L7157)YesLabelsProduct Name, Barcode Name, Product Code, Price, Location,SupplierInventory> Product Labels> Show In Report > Product Warehouse Label (L7157)
Inventory>Highlight the Labels you wish to Print>Show In Report >Product Label (L7157)
Product Label is to display Information on the content and composition of the Product.
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F-063Product Warehouse Label (L7158)YesLabelsProduct Name, Barcode Name, Product Code, Price, Location, SupplierInventory> Product Labels> Show In Report > Product Warehouse Label (L7158)
Inventory>Highlight the Labels you wish to Print>Show In Report >Product Label (L7158) 
Product Label is to display Information on the content and composition of the Product.
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F-064Product Warehouse Label (L7159)YesLabelsProduct Name, Barcode Name, Product Code, Price, Location, SupplierInventory> Product Labels> Show In Report > Product Warehouse Label (L7159)
Inventory>Highlight the Labels you wish to Print>Show In Report >Product Label (L7159) 
Product Label is to display Information on the content and composition of the Product.
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F-014Purchases by SupplierYesPurchasingSupplierID, Supplier Name, Count,Value Ex for the criteria selectedReports > Form Reports > Purchases by Supplier> Highlight Parameter and click on 'Select report using parameters'. Enter required Parameters, eg start and end dates etcPurchases by Supplier report will show you in summary by the SupplierId the total number of PURINV, PURCRD and $total Value Ex and the Number of transactions for the selected criteria with a grand total.
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F-015Purchases by ProductYesPurchasingProduct Code, Product Name, Average Price Ex, Qty, Value Ex and Grand TotalReports > Form Reports > Purchases by Product. Highlight Parameter and click on 'Select report using parameters'. Enter required Parameters, eg start and end dates etcPurchases by Product report will show you the breakdown of how much stock is Purchased during the given time frame. Reporting by Product Code, Average Price Ex (cost), Total Quantity Purchased and Total Value Ex with a Grand total.
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F-016Customer Trial Balance (Detail)YesRelationshipsCard ID, Customer Name, Current, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, 120 Days, Total.Reports > Form Reports > Customer Trial Balance (Detail) > Highlight Parameter and click on 'Select report using parameters'. Enter End Date and either leave start and end customer blank for all customers or select a cardid.Customers Trial Balance Detail report shows transactions for all customer accounts with subtotals for each period/month. Each account shows the Cardid, Card name, Ageing across the first row. Then all the transaction details for each customer for each period with a overall customer total for each period.
This report can also be run from Cards.
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F-017Customer Trial Balance (Summary)YesRelationshipsCard ID, Customer Name, Forward, Current, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, 120 Days, Total.Reports > Form Reports > Customer Trial Balance (Summary) > Highlight Parameter and click on 'Select report using parameters'. Enter End Date and either leave start and end customer blank for all customers or select a cardid.

The Customer Trial Balance Summary Report lists customer accounts receivable with outstanding balance by aged periods. This report shows customer outstanding transaction for current period up to four ageing periods.
This report can also be run from Cards. 

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F-018Supplier Trial Balance (Detail)YesRelationshipsCard ID, Supplier Name, Current, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, 120 Days, Total.Reports > Form Reports > Supplier Trial Balance (Detail) > Highlight Parameter and click on 'Select report using parameters'. Enter End Date and either leave start and end supplier blank for all supplier or select a cardid.Supplier Trial Balance Report shows transactions for all supplier accounts with subtotals for each period/month. Each account shows the Cardid, Card name, Ageing across the first row. Then all the transaction details for each supplier for each period with a overall supplier total for each period. This report can also be run from Cards.
This report can also be run from Cards. 
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F-019Supplier Trial Balance (Summary)YesRelationshipsCard ID, Supplier Name, Forward, Current, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, 120 Days, Total.Reports > Form Reports > Supplier Trial Balance (Summary) Highlight Parameter and click on 'Select report using parameters'. Enter End Date and either leave start and end supplier blank for all supplier or select a cardid.Supplier Trial Balance Summary Report lists supplier accounts payable with outstanding balance by aged periods. This report shows supplier outstanding transaction for current period up to four aging periods.
This report can also be run from Cards. 
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F-020Top CustomersYesRelationshipsRank, Card ID, Name, Margin, Margin Rank, Number of Sales, Number of Sales Rank, Sales Value and Sales Value Rank.Reports > Form Reports > Top 50 Customers > Show Report Using Filter. Filter is hard coded for top 50 customers.Top Customers report displays the top 50 customers ranked from highlight to lowest if you use the default selected filter. Other filters can be created.

F-021Statement of AccountYesRelationshipsYour account details, Customers Details, Date, Transaction Number, Reference, Debit, Credit, Balance owing. Total Value owning in the aged period. Payment detailsReports > Form Reports > Statement of Account > Highlight Parameter and click on 'Select report using parameters'. Enter End Date and either leave start and end customer blank for all customers or select a cardid. Turn check boxes on for your required preferences on what you wish to include or exclude. Statement can also be run from the Cards.The Statement of account is a document, issued by a supplier to its customer, listing transactions over a given period, normally monthly. It will include details of invoices, payments received and any credits approved with a resultant balance payable by the customer. The balances owing are aged accordingly.
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F-022Statement of Account (with Remittance)YesRelationshipsYour account details, Customers Details, Date, Transaction Number, Reference, Debit, Credit, Balance owing. Total Value owning in the aged period. Payment detailsReports > Form Reports > Statement of Account (with Remittance) > Highlight Parameter and click on 'Select report using parameters'. Enter End Date and either leave start and end customer blank for all customers or select a cardid. Turn check boxes on for your required preferences on what you wish to include or exclude. Statement can also be run from the Cards. There is a perforated remittance that can be sent back with payment.The Statement of account is a document, issued by a supplier to its customer, listing transactions over a given period, normally monthly. It will include details of invoices, payments received and any credits approved with a resultant balance payable by the customer. The balances owing are aged accordingly.
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F-024Sales by CustomerYesSales

Cardid, Card Name, This Year - Count, Value Ex, Margin, Gp% Versus Last Year - Count, Value Ex, Margin, GP% , Grand Total

Reports > Form Reports > Sales by Customer >Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria.Sales by Customer allows you to view a customers sales history in summary by Cardid for the criteria selected with a Comparative to Last Years Sales.
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F-025Sales by ProductYesSalesProductId, Product Name,This Years - Average Ex, Qty, Value Ex, Margin, GP%, Last Years - Average Ex, Qty, Value Ex, Margin, GP%.. Grand totalReports > Form Reports > Sales by Product >Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria. There are two different criterias. Sales by Product allow you to view the Products sale history in summary by ProductId for the criteria selected with a Comparative to Lasy Years Sales.
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F-027Sales by Product CategoryYesSalesProduct Category, This Years - Value Ex, Margin, GP%, Last Years - Value Ex, Margin, GP%. Grand Total. Sorted by Product Caterogy

Reports > Form Reports > Sales by Product Category > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria. Overall total on the Product Category and then a summary for each child category

Sales by Product Category outputs a report summarised for each Product Categorylists the Category name and the Total dollar value of sales made within a particular date range.
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F-026Sales by Sales PersonYesSalesSales Person ,Sales Person Name, This Years - Count, Value Ex, Margin, GP%, Last Years - Count, Value Ex, Margin, GP%. Grand TotalReports > Form Reports > Sales by Sales Person > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria.Sales by Sales Person outputs a report in summary for each sales person for the criteria selected
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F-028Sales by Source by CustomerYesSalesSource, Customer ID, Customer Name, Count, Value Ex, Margin, GP%, Over all totalsReports > Form Reports > Sales by Source by Customer > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria.This is a report that outputs where the sales originated from eg was it a Web Order for a customer.

F-029Labour Profitability By UserYesServiceUser, Name, Service Calls, Hours Charged, Hours Actual, Value Ex Tax, GP%.Reports > Form Reports > Labour Profitability By User > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria.

This report outputs by User (Technician) the service calls made for each Technician for charges that relate to Labour charges only.
This report works off the Service Order and Service Order lines.
The service order must have a status = Posted
The service order must be assigned to a User
The service order line must have at least one product that is a type of Labour.

Note: Before any service reports can be run please ensure that all prior setups have been done. See link

Service/Machines Initial Setup Checklist

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F-030Labour Profitability By User By PeriodYesServiceUser, Name, Period, Service Calls, Hours Charged, Hours Actual, Value Ex Tax, GP%.Reports > Form Reports > Labour Profitability By User By Period > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria.

This report outputs by User (Technician) the service calls made for each Technician for charges that relate to Labour charges only. There is an additional field of Period on this report.
This report works off the Service Order and Service Order lines.
The service order must have a status = Posted
The service order must be assigned to a User
The service order line must have at least one product that is a type of Labour.

Note: Before any service reports can be run please ensure that all prior setups have been done. See link

Service/Machines Initial Setup Checklist

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F-031Labour Profitability By User By Service OrderYesServiceUser, User Name, Date, Service Order Number, Hours Charged, Hours Actual, Value Ex Tax, GP%.Reports > Form Reports > Labour Profitability By User By Service Order > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria.

This report outputs by User (Technician) the service calls made for each Technician for charges that relate to Labour charges only. There is an additional field of Date and the Service Order number on this report.
This report works off the Service Order and Service Order lines.
The service order must have a status = Posted
The service order must be assigned to a User
The service order line must have at least one product that is a type of Labour.

Note: Before any service reports can be run please ensure that all prior setups have been done. See link

Service/Machines Initial Setup Checklist

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F-032Machine ProfitabilityYesService

Supplier, Machine Productid and Name,Service Order No, Customerid and Name, Products on the service Order with Qty Sold, Actual Labour, Cost, Sell Ex, Total Cost, Total Sell Ex, Margin, gp%. Total for each Machine then an overall total by Supplier and a Grand Total.

Reports > Form Reports > Machine Budget > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria.

This is a detailed report of all service work, parts and meter charges for a machine. This report defines which machines have been making a profit and which one haven't.

Note: Before any service reports can be run please ensure that all prior setups have been done. On the product that stands for the Model, ensure that on the General Tab, the manufacturer and model and entered.

See link

Service/Machines Initial Setup Checklist

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F-034Machine PartsYesServiceMachine Name,Machine Id, Part ID, Part Name,Start Date, End Date, Expected Days, Actual Days, Predicted Remaining Days.Reports > Form Reports > Machine Parts > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria.

This is a list of all products that have not been sold from the date range selected.

Note: Before any service reports can be run please ensure that all prior setups have been done. See link

Service/Machines Initial Setup Checklist

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F-035Zero Spend By ProductYesInventoryProductID, Product name, Count, Last Year Value Ex, Margin, GP%Reports > Form Reports > Inventory > Zero Spend By Product Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter'. Select the relevant criteria.
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F-036Meter Count RunNoService >Meter Count RunMeter Count Run No#, Date of the Run, Meter count cycle, Machine Id, Customer, Meter, Price Per Page, Minimum Charge, Old Count, New Count, Count Variance, Value, Total ValueService > Meter Count Runs > Highlight a Meter Count Run > Show In Report > Meter Count Run This is a List of all the Machine Id's with there relevant Meter counts for that Meter count run.Meter Count Runs
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F-037Sales by Day (detailed by product)YesSalesPC, Invoice, Product, Date, Product Name, Count. Value inc, Value Ex, Cost, Margin, GP%

Reports > Form Reports > Sales by Day(Detailed by Product) > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter' Select the relevant criteria

This report runs off the Sales Shipmnet LInes. It lists in detail by totalling by Date all products that have been shipped.
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F-038Technician ProductivityYesServiceTechnician Id, Technician Name, Calls, Days, Incomplete, %, Call Back, Calls Gross, Calls Net, Parts Call, Repair Time, Travel Time, Repair time day, travel time./dayReports > Form Reports > Technician Productivity > Highlight one of the Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter' Select the relevant criteriaTechnician Productivity Report is a list of the work carried out of for any Technician within a particular date range.

This report works off the Completed Service Calls not the Service order itself.  The Calls have to be Finalised/Completed.
This is because a service order can only have 1 Technician assigned to the overall order however, that service order may have multiple service call outs and those service call outs do not necessarily have to be the assigned technician on the service order.
So the service order can have many technicians work on it for various reasons.

The 'date' selected reports on the 
date of the most recent activity on the service call.

This Techinician Productivity Report works off a Cube. Meaning that a task runs overnight and updates the cube with the updated data.

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F-039Rolling Stocktake Variance ReportYesStocktakeProductId, Product Name, Stocktake, Location, Qty Counted, Qty Cleared, Qty Not Yet Counted, Old Qty On Hand, Variance Qty, Variance Value. Grand TotalReports > Form Reports > Rolling Stocktake Variance Report > Highlight the Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter' Select the relevant criteriaThis reports lists all products from a rolling stocktake that have a Variance Qty for that product in all product locations.
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F-040Stock Not Counted ReportYesStocktakeProductID, Product Name Location, Qty On Hand, $ Value. Grand TotalReports > Form Reports > Stock Not Counted Report > Highlight one of the Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter' Select the relevant criteriaThis report lists all products that have not been counted in any current stocktake for the site that you have selected.
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F-041Stocktake ReportYesStocktakeStocktake Number, Product, Porduct Name, Location, Qty Counted, Old Qty On Hand, Variance Qty, Variance Value, Grand Total.

Reports > Form Reports > Stocktake Report > Show In report > Highlight one of the Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter' Select the relevant criteria
Log onto Readysell > Inventory > Stocktakes > Highlight the stocktakes > Show in Report >
 Stocktake Report

This report lists an audit trail of the quantities and items held in Stock for an accurate inventory audit and stock valuation.
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F-042Stocktake Report (Variances Only)YesStocktakeStocktake Number, Product, Product name, Location, Qty Counted, Old Qty On Hand, Variance Qty, Variance Value, Grand TotalReports > Form Reports > Stocktake Report (Variances Only) > Show In report > Highlight the Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter' Select the relevant criteria
Log onto Readysell > Inventory > Stocktakes > Highlight the stocktakes > Show in Report >
 Stocktake Report(Variances Only)
This report lists an audit trail of the quantities and items that have been counted that have a variance between the old stock on hand and the stock that has been counted. This report can be used to identify large variances which need to be rectified
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F-043Stocktake Variance Report (Detailed) V2YesStocktakeStocktake Number,Product, Product Name, Location, Qty Counted, Old Qty On Hand, Variance Qty, Variance Value and Grand Total.Reports > Form Reports > Stocktake Variance Report (Detailed) V2 > Highlight the Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter' Select the relevant criteria

This report lists an audit trail of the quantities and items that have been counted that have a variance between the old stock on hand and the stock that has been counted by Location in detail listing for each product the qty counted, old qty on hand, variance qty and the variance value. This report can be used to identify large variances. This report reads the product from the product file and checks whether that product has been counted on the most recent stocktake and if so whether the qyt varys between the prestocktake qty and the new qty.

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F-044Stocktake Variance Report (Summary) V2YesStocktakeProduct, Stocktake, Location, Qty Counted, Old Qty On Hand, Variance Qty, Variance Value.Reports > Form Reports > Stocktake Variance Report (Detailed) V2 > Highlight the Parameter and select 'Show Report Using Parameter' Select the relevant criteriaThis report lists an audit trail of the quantities and items that have been counted that have a variance between the old stock on hand and the stock that has been counted. This report can be used to identify large variances which need to be rectified
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F-045Staff CardsNoSystem AdministrationSite Name,Users Name and BarcodeSystem Administration > Users > HIghlight a User/Range/All Users > Show In Report > Staff CardsPrints out the Users name in the form of a Staff Card. The card can be placed in a plastic sleve for the staff memeber to wear.
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F-067Adjustment Note (Credit)NoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Customers Details,Description, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc

Non Stock Credit >Relationship > Customer Transactions > Credits > Adjustment Note (Credit)

Adjustment Note is a form of a document indicating that a Miscellaneous Cutomer Credit has been entered against a Customers account for a Non Stock Financial Expense. Customer Credits
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F-068Allocation LinesNoTransaction LayoutsTransaction Type, Transaction Number, Date, Age, Description, Value, Allocate, Discount, Balance.Relationship > Allocations > Highlight a allocation number or range > Show in Report > Allocation linesThis is a list of all allocations made against a card open items. That is when a Payment and/or Credit is allocated against the relevant Invoices and/or Debits. The nett result of an allocation is always Zero.
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F-069Bank DepositNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Bank Account, Date, Bank Deposit Transaction Number, Tender,Deposit Description Reference, Posted By,General Ledger Account and Name, Description, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc.Financials > Cash Book > Bank Deposit >Show in report > Bank DepositA bank deposit is a transaction that represents some form of money that has been deposited into your bank account. Bank Deposits
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F-070Bank PaymentNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Bank Account, Date, Bank Payment Transaction Number, Tedner, Payment Description,Reference, Posted By,General Ledger Account and name, Description, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc.Financials > Cash Book > Bank Payment >Show In Report > Bank PaymentA bank payment is a transaction that represents some form of money that has been paid out of your bank account.Bank Payments
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F-071Bank Reconciliation Report (excluding Presented)NoTransaction LayoutsSite Name, Bank reconcilation number, Start and End Date, Bank account, Opening Balance, Presented Value, Expected Statement Balance, Actual Statement Balance, Statement Variance, Unpresented Value, Expected GL closing Balance, Actual GL Closing Balance, General Ledger Variance, Date,Description, Payment Reference, Card ID, Card Name, Deposit. Sub totalsFinancials > Cash Book > Bank Reconciliation > Highlight the Bankrec > Bank Reconciliation Report (excluding Presented)This is a list of all money deposited and paid into your bank account that have not be presented to the bank by the bankreconcilation date. Basically it is a list of unpresented deposit and payments that have not hit your bank yet for a date.
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F-072Bank Reconciliation Report (including Presented)NoTransaction LayoutsSite Name, Bank reconcilation number, Start and End Date, Bank account, Opening Balance, Presented Value, Expected Statement Balance, Actual Statement Balance, Statement Variance, Unpresented Value, Expected GL closing Balance, Actual GL Closing Balance, General Ledger Variance, Date,Description, Payment Reference, Card ID, Card Name, Deposit. Sub totalsFinancials > Cash Book > Bank Reconciliation > Highlight the Bankrec > Bank Reconciliation Report (including Presented)This is a list of all money deposited and paid out of your bank account that have been presented and have not be presented to the bank by the bankreconcilation date. Basically it is a list of all deposit and payments whether presented/unpresented for a date.
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F-073Credit NoteNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Supplier Details, Credit note Number, Date, Reference, Operator, General Ledger Account, General Ledger Account Name, Reference, Value Ex, Tax Rate, Tax Value, Value Inc.Reports > Form Reports > Show In Report > Supplier CreditThis is a document that represents a Miscellaneous Supplier Credit that has been entered against the Suppliers Card for a form of a Financial Expense. Supplier Credits
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F-074Customer ReceiptNoTransaction LayoutsSite details, Customer Details, Transaction number of the Payment, Date, Card Account, Paid by(tender), reference, Operator, Date, Invoices/Credits that make up the payment, Paid amount.Relationships > Customer Transactions > Payments > Customer ReceiptCustomer Receipt is a document which stands for a Payment Received from a Customer and a list of open items that have been allocated against this payment on A4 paper.
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F-075Customer Receipt DocketNoTransaction LayoutsSite details, Customer Details, Transaction number of the Payment, Date, Card Account, Paid by(tender), reference, Operator, Date, Invoices/Credits that make up the payment, Paid amount.Relationships > Customer Transactions > Payments > Customer Receipt DocketCustomer Receipt is a document which stands for a Payment Received from a Customer and a list of open items that have been allocated against this payment on a Docket.
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F-077Delivery DocketNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Customer Bill to Details, Customer Delivery to Details, Shipment Transaction Number, Date, Order No, Cardid, Entered by, Carrier, Barcode, of the Shipment No, Notes,Product Code, Product Name, Qty Ordered, Qty Back Ordered, Qty Supplied, Unit, Price Ex, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc, ABN No Grand Totals.Sales > Shipments > Highlight a Shipment > Show In Report > Delivery DocketDelivery Docket represents a document that lists the goods that are being delivered to the customer with pricing.
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F-078Delivery Docket (No Prices)NoTransaction Layoutsite Details, Customer Bill to Details, Customer Delivery to Details, Shipment Transaction Number, Date, Order No, Cardid, Entered by, Carrier, Barcode, of the Shipment No, Notes,Product Code, Product Name, Qty Ordered, Qty Back Ordered, Qty Supplied, UnitSales > Shipments > Highlight a Shipment >Show In Report > Delivery Docket (No Prices)Delivery Docket represents a document that lists the goods that are being delivered to the customer with no pricing
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F-079Delivery ManifestNoTransaction LayoutsSite Name, Delviery Number, Delivery Date, Date, Shipment Number, Invoice Number, Delivery Address,Consignment, Items, Note, Signature, Print Name.Sales > Deliveries > Highlight a Delivery Run > Show In Report > Delivery ManifestDelivery Manifest is a list in summary of the customer deliver details and number of consignments that make up each customer delivery that a Courier/Driver would use to idenify where the goods are being. Once the goods have been delivered the Manifest is signed by the person who actually received the goods.
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F-080Delivery Run List (From Delivery)NoTransaction LayoutsSite Name, Delivery Date, Signature, Customer, Order Ref, Invoice Number, Packages and a check box and the Delivery Run DescriptionSales > Deliveries > Show In Report > Delivery Run List (From Delivery)Delivery Manifest is a list of the customer delivery details and the number of Packages that make up that delivery. A signature is also required when the goods have been delivered for proof of delivery.
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F-081Delivery Run List (From Shipment)NoTransaction LayoutsSite Name, Signature, Customer, Address, Order, Invoice, Number of Packages. Start Run, Finish, Total Minutes, Number of Deliveries, Speedo, Average Minutes/DropSales > Shipments > Highlight a Shipment > Show In Report > Delivery Run List (From Shipment)Delivery Manifest is a list of the customer delivery details and the number of Packages that make up that delivery. A signature is also required when the goods have been delivered for proof of delivery.
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F-082General JournalNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Journal Number, Date, Reference, Operator, Account Code and Account, Name, Narrative, Debit Value, Credit Value, Total Debit Value and Total Credit ValueFinancials > General Ledger > Journals > Highlight a Journal > Show In Report > General JournalThe General Journal report is a list of a Journal that has been entered, It is when a double entry bookkeeping entries are recorded by debiting one or more accounts and crediting another one or more accounts with the same total amount. The total amount debited and the total amount credited should always be equal. General Journals
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F-083Gift Registry (Detailed)NoTransaction LayoutsCreated Date, Reference Number, Event Date, Type, Product, Required, Supplied, Remaining, Price, Value.Sales > Gift Registry > Highlight a Gift Registry > Show In Report > Gift Registry (Detailed)Gift Registry is a list of selected store stock that helps assist engaged couples in the communication of gift preferences to guests.
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F-084Gift Registry Welcome LetterNoTransaction LayoutsOfficial Letter to Customer.Sales > Gift Registry > Show In Report > Gift Registry Welcome LetterIs a welcome letter that accompanies the Gift Registry once created.
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F-085Goods Receipt/Credit DispatchNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Supplier Detail, Delivery Details, Transaction Number, Date, Entered by, Order number,Supplier, Productid, Product Description, Qty Received, Unit, Price Ex, Value Ex, Total Value ExPurchasing > Receipts > Highlight Receipt > Show In Report > Goods Receipt/Credit DispatchThis is a document listing the products that have been received into stock from a Purchase Order from a Supplier.
This can also be a document listing the products that are going to be sent back to the supplier.
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F-086GST Batch SummaryNoTransaction LayoutsSite, GST Batch Number, Bas Code, Site,Transaction Type, Value Ex, GST Paid, GST Received, Value Inc.Financials > Tax > GST Batches > Highlight the Gst Batch > Show In Report > GST Batch SummaryGST Batch Summary Report shows the transactions types in summary format by Bas Code, Taxcode for the GST Quarter Extracted that makes up the Batch.
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F-087GST Calculation WorksheetNoTransaction LayoutsTax Period, Name of the Batch,Bas codes and the related Values from the GST Batch.Financials > Tax > GST Batches > Highlight a GST Batch > Show In Report > GST Calculation WorksheetGST Calculation Worksheet is used to calculate Business Activity Statement (BAS) and you can use it to see the transactions and GST totals calculated for the BAS Return. The system populates the figures from the GST Batch extracted and highlighted.The worksheet is not to be lodged with your BAS its purely for your purpose.
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F-088Order DocketNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details,DAte, Operator, Reference, Product, Product Name, Qty, Price, Total, Sale Total, sales order number as a barcode.Sales > Orders > Highlight a Order > Show In Report > Order DocketThis is a docket that lists the details that have been entered against a sales order.
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F-090Payment RunNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Payment Run Nmber, Date, Date of Payment, Operator, SupplierId, Open Item no, TenderID ,Due Date, Description, Balance Value, Payment Value ,Grand Total of the Payment runRelationships > Supplier Transactions > Payment Runs > Show In Report > Payment RunThis is a list of all Suppliers and relevant Open items that have been flagged to be paid within a Supplier Payment Run for that Date. Supplier Payment Runs
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F-091Picking Slip (Detailed)NoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Customer Deliver to, Customer Bill to, Picking Slip Number, Date,Customer Order No, Card Id, Entered By, Picked By, Date, Product Code, Supplier Code, Product Name, Qty Ordered, B/O, Quantity On Hand, Unit, Location, Value Inc, GP%, Picked, Total Value IncSales > Shipments > Show In Report > Highlight the Shipment > Picking Slip (Detailed)This is a document that lists details a customer orders details about to be picked and shipped.
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F-092Picking Slip (with Back Orders)NoTransaction Layouts

Site Details, Barcode of Picking Slip/Shipment Number, Customer Deliver to, Customer Bill to, Picking Slip Number, Date, Customer Order No, Card Id, Entered By, Notes, Product Code, Supplier Code, Product Name, Qty Ordered, B/O,Unit, Location, Picked Initials, Picked by signature, Date signed; also the backorders that are outstanding

Sales > Shipments > Show In Report > HIghlight the Shipment > Picking Slip (with Back Orders)This is a document that lists the customers order details about to be picked/shipped and includes the product that is still on backorder on a separate line.
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F-093Picking Slip/Goods Return NoteNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Barcode of the Goods return shipment number, Shipment Number, Date, Cardid,Customer Order Reference, Entered By, Notes, Bill To Details ,Product Code, Supplier Code,Product Name, Qty Returned, B/O, Unit, Location, Picked,. Picked By, Date.Sales > Shipments > Highlight a Sales Credit > Show In Report > Picking Slip/Goods Return NoteThis is a document that lists the customers Goods that are to be picked up for a Return/Credit or have been picked up and waiting on the Salret to be completed
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F-094Printed ChequeNoTransaction LayoutsPre Printed Cheque Stationary > Value of the Payments in Words and $ Value, Date, Supplier Name and AddressReports >Supplier Payment > Enter the payment , Select the right tender > Select Finalise and Print Cheque> check the detailsThis is a pre printed cheque that is used when making supplier payments. The correct tender of Print Cheque must be used and the correct details need to be entered on the Payment. The Value in $ and in words along with the date and the supplier name and details will print onto the preprinted Cheque. Ensure that the correct cheque number is in line.
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F-095Purchase Order/Supplier Credit RequestNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Supplier Details, Delivery to , Supplier Return No, Date, Your Account Code with the supplier, Supplier Code, Product Code, Product Name, Qty, Unit, Price Ex, Total Ex., NotesPurchasing > Orders >Highlight a StkCrd > Show In Report > Purchase Order/Supplier Credit RequestThis is a document to accompany goods that may have not been delivered for a credit or goods that are to be returned to the supplier for a Credit.
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F-096Purchase Receipt Scan VariancesNoTransaction LayoutsSite Name,Supplier ID, Purchase Order No, Purchase Order Date, Purchase Receipt No, Receipt Date, Product ID, Supplier ID, Product Name, Location, Qty Expected, Qty Scanned, Variance.Purchasing > Receipts > HIghlight a Purchase Receipt > Show In Report > Purchase Receipt Scan VariancesThis is a report that lists the difference between what stock was expected (ordered) as opposed to what stock was received (scanned) from a purchase order using scan check.
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F-097Purchase Receival CheckNoTransaction LayoutsSite Name,Supplier ID, Purchase Order No, Purchase Order Date, Purchase Receipt No, Receipt Date, Product ID, Supplier ID, Product Name, Location, Qty Ordered, Qty Received, Value Received, Qty On Hand, Qty On Order, Qty On Backorder, Purchasing > Receipts > HIghlight a Purchase Receipt > Show In Report > Purchase Receival CheckThis is a report that can be used to see what goods have been received vs ordered and scanned from the supplier
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F-098Purchase RunNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Purchase Run No, Date, Entered by, Supplier Card ID, Supplier Name, Product, Product Name, Qty, Unit, Value Ex, Value Inc. Total by Supplier with a Grand TotalPurchasing > Purchase Runs > Highlight the Run > Show In Report > Purchase RunPurchase Run is list of products that have been extracted to be purchased from various selected suppliers. Generating Purchase Orders using a Purchase Run
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F-099Recipient Created Tax InvoiceNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Supplier Billed to ; Supplier Debit Note Number, Date, Reference, Supplier Account Id, Entered by, General Ledger Account Name, Reference, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc., Notes and overall Total of the entire Debit Note.Relationship> Supplier Transaction > Debits > Highlight transaction > Show In Report > Recipient Created Tax InvoiceThis is a document/Invoice to stand for Non Stock Financial Supplier Expenses Invoice.Supplier Debits
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F-101Remittance AdviceNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Payment Number, Date, Your Supplier Account Code, Tender, Reference, Description, Date of the Open item being paid, Invoice no being paid, Outstanding, Amount Paid, Total Payment ValueRelationships > Supplier Transaction > Payments > Highlight a Payment or Range > Show In Report > Remittance AdviceRemittance Advice is a document sent to a supplier, to inform the supplier of what transactions make up the Payment Value.
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F-105Sale Back Order Report (By Customer)YesTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Customerid, Customer Name, Productid, Product Name, Order Transaction Type, Sales Order Number, SupplierId, Purchase Order No , Customer Order Reference, Date, Qty Back Order, Unit, Qty On Order, Qty On Hand, Net Qty On Hand, Total Back Order.Reports > Form Reports > Sale Back Order Report (By Customer) > Filters Tab > All Back orders > or create your own filterSale Back Order is a report sortng by CustomerId, indicating items that are on back order with a supplier and which customer has ordered these back ordered product and whether they are on Order with the supplier as yet or not.
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F-107Sale Back Order Report (By Supplier)YesTransaction LayoutsSite details, Supplier Id, Supplier Name, Productid, Product Name, Order Transaction Type, Sales Order Number, CustomerId, Customer Order Reference , Purchase Order No, Date, Qty Back Order, Unit, Qty On Order, Qty On Hand, Net Qty On Hand, Total Back Order. Reports > Form Reports > Sale Back Order Report (By Supplier) > Filters Tab > All Back orders > or create your own filterSale Back Order is a report sorted by Supplier Id, indicating items that are on back order with a supplier and which customer has ordered these back ordered product and whether they are on Order with the supplier as yet or not.
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F-102Sale Delivery ReportNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Sale Delivery Heading, Date, Operator, Reference, Productid, Product Name, Qty, Price, Total. Overal Sale Total, Customer SignatureSales > Invoices > Highlight a Transaction > Show In Report >  Sale Delivery ReportThis is a docket listing all details for a delivery run off an Invoice for proof of delivery and invoice.
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F-103Sale DocketYesTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Sale Docket Heading Date, Operator,Reference,Customer Name, Product, Product Name, Qty, Price, Total, Tender and Tender Value, Rounding, Change, Gst, Discount Sales > Invoices > Highlight a Transaction > Show In Report >  Sale DocketSale Docket is a docket that list what items have been purchased and paid for by the customer. Its an indication of a proof of purchase.
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F-104Sale Order PaymentYesTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Order Payment Header, Date, Operator,Reference,Customer Name, Tendertype, Value, GST, Disocunt, cusotmer order conditions.Sales > Invoices > Highlight a Invoice > Show In Report > Sale Order PaymentSale Order Payment is a docket that list what method of payment has been used. Its an indication of a proof of tendertype.
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F-108Sales Order/Customer Credit Request/QuotationNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Bill to, Delivery to, Sales order no, Date, Reference, Customer CardId, Sales Person, Terms, ProductId, Product Name, Qty Ordered, Qty on B/O, Unit, Price Ex, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc, Notes, Sub Total and Balance Owing, Payment Reference Details.Sales > Orders > Highlight a transaction > Show In Report > Sales Order/Customer Credit Request/QuotationThis is a sales order document listing all products that have been ordered by the customer, what is available and what is on backorder.
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F-109Sales Order/Customer Credit Request/Quotation (Detailed)NoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Bill to, Delivery to, Sales order no, Date, Reference, Customer CardId, Sales Person, Terms, ProductId, Product Name, Qty Ordered, Qty on B/O, Unit, Price Ex, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc, Detail description from the product file ,Notes, Sub Total and Balance Owing, Payment Reference Details.Sales > Orders > Highlight a transaction > Show In Report > Sales Order/Customer Credit Request/Quotation (Detailed)This is a sales order document in more details listing all products that have been ordered by the customer, what is available and what is on backorder including further detail description of each product.
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F-110Service Order/Credit/QuotationNoTransaction LayoutsSite details, Service Order Number, Machine Details, Meter Reads, Fault Description, Work Carried Out, Technician Travel, Last 5 Services, Parts supplied and fitted, technicans signatureService > Service Orders > Highlight a Transaction > Show In Report > Service Order/Credit/QuotationThis Service Order document is a job sheet for technicians detailing the fault description on the machine. Then the technican makes a note of the repair issues that needed to be carried out on the machine along with any parts supplied and fitted and the travel and labour hours and time on the job.
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F-111Standing JournalNoTransaction LayoutsAccount, Name, Narrative, Debit Value, Credit Value.Financials > General Ledger > Highlight a Journal > Show In Report > Standing JournalStanding Journals create automatic general journals and they are used for reoccuring transactions and for auto reversing transactions. Standing General Ledger Journals
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F-112Stock Quantity AdjustmentNoTransaction LayoutsProduct, Description, Old Quantity, Adjustment Quantity, New Quantity, Reason, Account, Value.Inventory > Stock Quantity Adjustment > Highlight a stock qty adjustment > Show In Report > Stock Quantity AdjustmentStock Quantity Adjustment is an indication of adjustments to Inventory either reducing the stock or increasing the stock.Stock Quantity Adjustments
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F-113Stock Transfer InNoTransaction LayoutsSite details, Transfer no, Date, To Site, Created by, Transfer Out Site, From Site Details To site Details, Product, Product Description, Qty, Unit, Location, Qty Picked, Qty Packed, comments, Picked Date, Picked By, Packed Date, Packed By, Total # Of Cartons, Consignhement Note #, Inventory > Stock Transfer In > Highlight a transfer > Show In Report > Stock Transfer InStock Transfer In is a list of Products being received transfered from another site into your current site.Stock Transfers In
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F-114Stock Transfer OutNoTransaction LayoutsSite details, Transfer no, Date, From Site, Created by, Transfer In Site, To Site Details, From site Details, Product, Product Description, Qty, Unit, Location, Qty Picked, Qty Packed, comments, Picked Date, Picked By, Packed Date, Packed By, Total # Of Cartons, Consignhement Note #, Inventory > Stock Transfer Out > Highlight a transaction >Show In Report >  Stock Transfer OutStock Transfer Out is a list of products that are transferred from your site to another site. Stock Transfers Out
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F-115Stocktake WorksheetNoTransaction LayoutsStocktake Number, ProductId, Product Description, Location, Old Quantity on hand , Qty CountedInventory > Stocktakes > Highlight a Stocktake > Show In report > Stocktake WorksheetThis is a report of all the products that have been extracted into a stocktake. This report is used as a manual method of recording quanity on hand for products.
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F-116Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (by Shipment) LandscapeNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Invoice Number, Date, Sales Order No, Csutomer Order Reference, Cardid, Entered by, Terms, Bill to Details, Deliver to Details, Product Code, Product Name, Qty Ordered, Qty B/O, Qty Supplied, Unit, Price Ex, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc, Shipping Insturctions, Bank Payment Details , ABN No, and over totals.Sales > Invoices > Show In Report > Highlight a Sales Invoice >Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (by Shipment) Landscapetax invoice that includes taxable and non-taxable items – that is, items that are either GST-free or input-taxed – must clearly show which items are taxable. In addition to the standard information the tax invoice must also show: each taxable sale. the amount of GST to be paid. This tax invoice is also a proof of Purchase and is a document notifying an obligation to make a payment.
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F-117Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (by Shipment) PortraitNoTransaction LayoutsSite Details, Invoice Number, Date, Cardid, Entered by, Terms,Due Date, Bill to Details, Deliver to Details, Product Code, Product Name, Qty Ordered, Qty B/O, Qty Supplied, Unit, Price Ex, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc, Shipping Insturctions, Bank Payment Details , ABN No, and over totals.Sales > Invoices > Show In Report > Highlight a Sales Invoice >Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (by Shipment) Portraittax invoice that includes taxable and non-taxable items – that is, items that are either GST-free or input-taxed – must clearly show which items are taxable. In addition to the standard information the tax invoice must also show: each taxable sale. the amount of GST to be paid. This tax invoice is also a proof of Purchase and is a document notifying an obligation to make a payment.
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F-118Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (Debit)
Transaction LayoutsDescription, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc.Relationship > Customer Transactions > Debits > Show In Report > Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (Debit)A change is required for a Sales/Tax Invoice that has already been issued to you from a Customer.
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F-119Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (Sale) Landscape
Transaction LayoutsProduct Code, Name, Ordered, B/O, Supplied, Unit, Price Ex, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc.Sales > Invoices > Show In Report > Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (Sale) Landscapetax invoice that includes taxable and non-taxable items – that is, items that are either GST-free or input-taxed – must clearly show which items are taxable. In addition to the standard information the tax invoice must also show: each taxable sale. the amount of GST to be paid
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F-120Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (Sale) PortraitNoTransaction LayoutsProduct Code, Name, Ordered, B/O, Supplied, Unit, Price Ex, Total Ex, Tax, Total Inc.Sales > Invoices > Show In Report > Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note (Sale) Portraittax invoice that includes taxable and non-taxable items – that is, items that are either GST-free or input-taxed – must clearly show which items are taxable. In addition to the standard information the tax invoice must also show: each taxable sale. the amount of GST to be paid
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Top Selling ProductsYesInventorySite Name, Rank, Product ID, Product Name, SupplierID, Category, Sell Price, Site Net Qty On Hand, Unit Sales, Sales GP %, Sales Value Ex, Sales Value Inc., Overal totalsReports > Form Reports > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show report using parameter' > Top Selling Products > Select the required criteriaAs a retailer, it is important that you have access to product sales data and understand how that data plays a role in your business’ success. You should be able to quickly pull information on your best selling products and use this data to make smarter purchasing decisions, improve customer satisfaction, and increase sales.
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F-122Picker ProductivityYesInventoryPicker, Shipments picked, lines picked, Days, Shipment Days, Lines Day, Shipment HoFurs, Lines Hour.Reports > Form Reports > Highlight Parameter and select 'Show Report using Parameters' > Select the criteria > Picker ProductivityDisplay the pickers activity over specified date range.
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F-123Zero Spend by CustomerYesRelationshipsCard ID, Card Name, Last Years, Count, Value Ex, Margin and GP%.Reports > Form Reports > Zero Spend by CustomerThis is determine which customers have not purchased within the specific date range, the report displays the values of what the customer had purchased in the date range specified.
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F-127Customer Purchase OverviewNoRelationshipsCard ID, Product, Date, Quantity Sold, Grid of spaces for writing in new sales linesSelect Card > Click on show in report > Customer Purchase Overview

This report provides sales people with a summary of the customer’s recent purchases to give them some information to start a discussion about the customer’s purchasing history/habits. Shows Last purchased, average purchased qty, and total purchase qty for the product.
Leaves with the customer as an re-ordering form that they can scan/fax.
This report works off the Sale Shipment Lines for the Customers for stock controlled products for the last 3 months (90 days)

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F-130Service Call History ReportNoMachinesMachine ID, Manufacturer, Model, Date, Cardid, Card Name, Contact, Serial Number. List all the service orders in detail with Date, Customer order, Fault Description, Repair Description for each Call Activity, Meter Count, Technician etc.Select Machines> HIghlight a Machine>Show in Report> Service Call HistoryA List by Machine of all Call Activiites and ork History carried out for that Machine

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