List Reports

List Reports


This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. 

Getting started

See also a list of all the list reports, there purpose and how they might be used:

Key List Reports Overview




Refer to Common Buttons 





Report NameName description of the report
CategoryThe category the report goes under
Data Type

Data type is what type of data it uses. I.e. Card reports pull the data type from cards, Contract products report uses data type product contract.

Parameters tab

Parameter Name
Parameters Type Name

Filters tab

Show Report Using Filters
Query Name

Settings tab

Built In Whether this report is built into the Readysell system, or custom created (either manually or by downloading from the Readysell Store)
Auto Open Whether this report should automatically open in the default application associated with the export format (rather than previewing in Readysell first)
Cubed Data Whether this report is running from cubed data (rather than live, transactional data).
Data Access Mode
  • Client Mode: The most flexible, but slowest reporting mode. The Readysell client downloads all data to the local PC, allowing the widest variety of filtering options and on-the-fly customization. This is the default mode for newly created reports and is appropriate for most list reports.
  • Server Mode: Less flexible, but faster reporting mode. Readysell will query only the data required to show the current report and fields related to the current report to allow on-the-fly customization. Because querying occurs on the server, filtering options may be more limited. This reporting mode is useful for reports running against large transactional tables (such as GL dissections or product movements) where Data View Mode is too restrictive.
  • Data View Mode: Least flexible, but fastest reporting mode. Readysell will query only the data required to show the current report. If additional fields are dragged onto the screen, the report will need to be re-run to show the data. Because querying occurs on the server, filtering options may be more limited. This reporting mode is best for reports running against large transactional tables (such as GL dissections or product movements).
  • Instant Feedback Mode: Similar to Server Mode, but with some usability enhancements. You can try this mode if you're feeling adventurous.