Report schedule parameters
Report schedule parameters
Form, List and Analysis reports can be scheduled to be generated automatically on a periodic basis. The scheduling process involves selecting a parameter type that you want to run the report with and then defining the parameters.
Sometimes though, you will not be able to pre-set a value that makes sense each time the report is run. An example of this is when you are setting a "Start Date" or "End Date" field. If you wanted a report to run for the last 7 days, filling a start date or end date into the "Value" field might work okay for when the report runs today, but will be out of date tomorrow. In these cases you need to fill in a "parameter".
Available parameters
Parameter | Description |
TodayParameter | Today's date. |
YesterdayParameter | Yesterday's date. |
ThisMonthStartParameter | The first day of the current month. |
AddMonths('@LastMonthStartParameter', 1) | The End of the Current month. |
LastMonthStartParameter | The first day of the previous month. |
CurrentDateMinus7DaysParameter | The date 7 days ago. |
CurrentDateMinus14DaysParameter | The date 14 days ago. |
CurrentDateMinus30DaysParameter | The date 30 days ago. |
CurrentDateMinus60DaysParameter | The date 60 days ago. |
CurrentDateMinus90DaysParameter | The date 90 days ago. |
CurrentDateMinus120DaysParameter | The date 120 days ago. |
CurrentDateMinus6MonthsParameter | The date 6 months ago. |
CurrentWorkstationIDParameter | The ID of the current workstation. |
CurrentSiteIdParameter | The ID of the current site. |
CurrentRegionNameParameter | The region name of the current site. |
CurrentRoleNameParameter | The Role of the current user. |
CurrentPeriodParameter | The current month. |
LastPeriodParameter | Last month |
CurrentFinancialYearParameter | The Current financial year |
LastFinancialYearParameter | Last financial year |
ThisQuarterStartPeriodParameter | This quarter start date |
ThisQuarterEndPeriodParameter | This quarter End date |
LastQuarterStartPeriodParameter | Last quarter start date |
LastQuarterEndPeriodParameter | Last quarter End date |
DeadStockDateParameter | |
InactiveCustomerDateParameter | |
LowGrossProfitPercentThresholdParameter | |
HighGrossProfitPercentThresholdParameter | |
BuyingGroupParameter |