Management reports

Management reports

Management Report

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Select Report Wizard
  3. Drop the Select Box 'Show Only Report Type' and Select Management
  4. Type = Management

No changes are to be made to these reports.
These reports are the Master Copy.
If you wish to make any changes or add/drop fields to any report within the reports module, copy the report into another type called e.g. 'AAA' and then make the changes there to suit your company's needs.
Most of the reports are set to preview to screen however, a few are set up to export straight to excel.
You can export all reports to other formats once the report has been run.
Click on 'Send To' once the report is run and previewed and make your selection from there.
You must have excel set up on the pc you are running these reports from if you wish to export to excel.
See screen print below:

  1. All finalised Sales Transactions Check to General Ledger – for those that are on General Ledger. This report outputs all sales for that date range and an Interface flag. The flag must be 1. If it is zero please contact readysell.

Run report by clicking on 'run highlighted report'
Query box will appear; you can close to ignore or set up a query to isolate your data.
Enter start and End date and click on OK

Report will appear to screen
You can analyse the data from here or export it to another format by click on 'Send to"

Make your selection from the 'send to window' and click on Save.

Most reports have the Query and then prompts.
All Reports have the Send to Option.

  1. All Sales by Date by Product Detail

This report prompts for start and end date.
Reports on all sales for the date range selected by Sales order number ,Product,quantity,sell price, value, operator, gp, pl1, gp%,catalogue flag etc.

  1. Bank Deposit Report.

The bank deposit report is a list of all transactions where by money has been received or paid out depending on the query that you select. Normally bank deposit report is used for cash/cheque that is money received from either a form of a cash sale or customer payment. It is printed and sent to the bank along with all monies received that is to be banked for that date range. Bank deposit report has the company header, bank name, bsb, branch, account number on it. Then the report is broken up by tender with the values tendered for the date range selected.
Bank Deposit report is a standard format report not an excel format report.

  1. Catalogue to Product file Comparison Detailed.

This report prompts for 'Catalogue No'
Outputs all product details for the Catalogue selected.

  1. Last Product Sales by Customer

This report prompts for a customer code and report from date.
Reports on the last date the product was purchased by the customer selected with maximum date, minimum price, total qty, value ex etc.

  1. Customer Sales Detail Prompt for Min GP and Date

This report is on all sales in detail prompting for start and end dates and minimum gp% less than a value. EG

  1. Customer Sales Summary By Rep by Period Grid

This report outputs straight into excel, it's a cross tab format report in summary for the period selected and customers selected totalling for each Rep by Period for all sales.

  1. Department Sales By Period Summary

This report summarises by department by Period the dollar value of sales ex gst and gp % for each department selected for the period selected.
You can select just one departement , a range of departments or all departments.
For all departments the 'From Start Department' leave blank and the 'End at Department' enter a range of 'zzzzzzzzz'

  1. Customer Sales By Period Summary Grid

This report is in summary for all sales . The selection is 'Start at Period' 'End At Period' and 'Start From Customer' 'End At Customer'. It is in a cross tab format.
Reports on all sales Value Ex GST for the period selected even cash sales which will output a blank customer.

  1. Sales Comparison Against Stock Receipts

This reports on total$ value for Stock Receipted (PURREC) and total$ value for stock sold or returned (SALINV, SALCRD). Prompts for start and end dates. Outputs total Value$ INC GST for the above 3 transaction codes for the date range selected.
Basically comparing stock receipted as opposed to stock sold and returned.

  1. Top Selling Products Summary for a Range of Customers

This reports on the top selling products for quantity you have entered by customer by product.
Prompts for 'Minimum sales quantity to print' that is the number of products to wish to see so in the example below it's the top 50 ranked products for the customers and period range entered.

12 Product List
This is a product list that prompts for vairous things.

  • 'Select Only Non Stock Products (Y=YES , N or Blank = NO). This out puts only products that have been set to non stock control.
  • Usage. You should check which products are setup as non stock lines periodically.
  • Look for non stock lines that really should be stock controlled products and correct them.
  • Any non stock products that should be catalogue products correct.
  • Non stock prodcuts that should be broken up eg 'misc' . If you have various services do not used the 'Misc' product ,set up each individual product eg Faxing, Laminating, Photocopying etc and assign the correct gl accounts to them.
  • A 'Misc' product is usually a stock controlled product that is used for products that are purchased and sold.

  • 'Select products with negative stock ' – Y= Yes, N or Blank = NO
  • Usuage reports on products that have been sold more than they have been purchased. You should try and not allow stock to go into negative. Find the product and adjust the quantity on hand by doing a stock adjustment.

  • 'Enter Min GP for Retail Price Level 1' – Leave Blank = all or enter a 'min level gp' you wish to report on. Used to correctly identify and correct products that have a negative gp or a low gp.

Find the product and identify the transaction and fix it.

  • 'Enter Last Sale Date Less Than' – Leave Blank or enter a date that you wish to see the last time this product was sold.

  • Select if Value on hand greater than – Leave Blank or enter a value

Usuage – identifies the products where by the quantity on hand X average cost is greater than the quantity you selected.

  • Start from Supplier – Enter a supplier code or leave blank for all suppliers
  • End at supplier – enter a supplier code or leave blank for all suppliers

  1. Daily Report Sales By Date Summary

This report summaries for each date seleted the tota $l value of sales, tax, cost, margin and GP%
Prompts for start and end dates.

  1. Sales by Period by Supplier Summary

Prompts for start and end period. Reports on all sales for each supplier.

  1. Daily Sales By Date Detailed

Prompts for Start and end Dates. This report is in detail for date selected by supplier, by product with qty supplied, tax, valueinc, cost, margin, gp%.
Below you will see a good example of how to identify wrong costing on the products look re the negative margin and gp% .

  1. Sales Gross Profit Review by Line

This report prompts for start and end dates. It is a detailed report by Operator, customer, transaction number, product. Helps you also identify wrong costing which throws margin and gp out.

  1. Sales Orders Outstanding.

This is a list of all oustanding sales orders that have been entered into the system. Whether they are salquo, salord, salinv, salstk , salcrd etc. These outstandings need to be investigated further. Either update them or delete them.
Prompts for start and end dates.

  1. Stock on Hand Report

This report has a number of queries. One being Stock on hand not equal to zero. Either highlight a query or close the query to get results of all products. This report helps you review the status of your stock and see the stock on hand at different cost prices .

  1. Customer Rep Run Sales Report

This report has a number of prompts and reports comparing the average dollar value sales for the last 12 months, last month and variance of last month to the last year. Also reports on GP% for the last 12 months, the last month and the variance between the last month to the last year.
Close the query unless you wish to report on a specific customer or rep.
Enter Last Year Start Period. That is the last year start period in YYYYMM format for wish you wish to report on.
Click on OK

Enter Last Year End Period
That is the end of that financial period you are reporting on. In this case the year ends 201206.
Click on OK

Enter Last Period
That is normally a month or two prior to the current month you are currently in.
In this example 201207 and click on OK

Enter Current Period.
This is normally the month you are currently in of the month before if your last period was two months prior. In this example I am using the current month of 201208 and click on OK

Purely test data below:

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