How to set up Automatic SMS for Invoices

How to set up Automatic SMS for Invoices

The steps to turn an automatic SMS for Invoices are as follows:

Please contact readysell to set the following system types up to activate SMS Gateways




  1. From the Navigation panel, click Administration then Action Rules

  2. Click New

  3. Check the Enabled box

  4. Enter a Name

  5. In the Action Type select General - Generic (on Schedule)

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  6. Flag Email

  7. In the CC Address add the object you require making sure it has @SMS followed by it. Most emails will be sent to the accounts payable person so to have the email deployed to the accounts payable the CC Address should be as followed. 

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  8. Click the Criteria tab and in Data Type select Sale Invoice

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  9. Enter the required criteria. You can also break this down to only send SMS to customers that are in a certain card type group

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  10. On the Notification Template enter your subject and the body of the SMS that you would like to send.

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    Example template below to copy and paste

    Your Invoice has been generated.

    Transaction Number: {OBJECT:TransactionNumber}

    Value: ${OBJECT:ValueIncTaxInvoiced}

    Customer: {OBJECT:SaleShipments[0].Customer.CardID}

  11. Click Save And Close

    Once you have created your Action Rule you can then generate an invoice, and the "Create Action Items" task will then generate an SMS and deploy it to the customer.

  12. An example of the SMS that is deployed to customer from Step 10 is shown below. 

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