SmartFreight migration to new SFO from legacy

SmartFreight migration to new SFO from legacy

Pre-acquisition :

1. User should’ve already been integrated with IFS using legacy SmartFreight. (If not, please visit this link to setup: Setting up SmartFreight integration )

2. IFS should transfer all the settings from legacy SmartFreight to new SFO.

3. Readysell settings can be found from System Types : Consignment


Basic migration :

  1. Check IFS-ORG-ID if the same with new credential given by IFS

  2. Change IFS-PASSWORD with new credential given by IFS

  3. Change IFS-ENDPOINT-URL to: http://api-r1.smartfreight.com/api/soap/classic

  4. Change IFS-USE-NEW to True

  5. Save and Flush Cache

You will be able to operate in the same way as legacy SmartFreight including Get Quote / Cost



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