Adding consignment information to a shipment
Adding consignment information to a shipment
The Consignment Detail function (accessed from the Sale Shipment screen) lets you enter consignment information for a shipment at any time, even after the shipment is posted. This allows you to post a shipment (and hence ensure that stock is allocated to it) even if consignment information is not known.
- In the navigation panel, click on Sales then click on Shipments
- Locate the shipment for which you wish to add consignment information
In the ribbon, click Consignment Detail. The Consignment Detail window displays.
- Enter information as follows:
- Carrier is the carrier for this consignment.
- Delivery Run is the run that this consignment belongs to.
- Consignment Date is the consignment date.
- Consignment Items is the number of items in this consignment.
- Consignment Note allows you to add a note to the consignment.
- Make sure Shipment has Customer Name, Complete address on Address Tab
- When you have finished, click OK.
- Changes can also be made to the Customer order field after the shipment and invoice have been posted.