Customer Payments

Customer Payments


A customer payment in Readysell indicates that a customer has made a payment for the items they have purchased from you. A payment can be received via direct deposit, cheque, eftpos or cash.

Once a payment has been entered, it can then be allocated against oustanding open items on the customer card, which it turn reduces the balance owing by the customer.

Getting Started



Refer to Common Buttons.

Extract Open ItemsThis allows you to extract/ allocate the payment to the parent and the child's open item.


TypeThe type of transaction (CUSPAY (Customer Payment))
NumberThe transaction number of the customer payment
StatusA Status is update feature on any entry/transaction made within readysell.
DateThe date and time (local to the workstation) when the action took place.
CustomerThe customer cardid and name
TenderThe method on how the payment was received. That is for eg Direct Deposit, Visa, cash, card, etc.
ValueThe total value of the customer payment
DescriptionA description of the customer payment
Payment ReferenceUsually the Cheque Number if payment was received in the form of a Cheque Tender.
Bank AccountThe account payee name, bsb and account number. Its a sub account
Payee NameThis is the bank account name. This may be different from the card name or contact name.
BSBThis is the BSB (Bank-State-Branch) Numbers. Readysell automatically formats the BSB as you enter it.
Account NumberThis is the bank account number

Lines tab

DateThe date of the customer open item that is part of the allocation

Transaction Type

The transaction type of the open item that the payment has been allocated against.
Transaction NumberThe transaction number of the openitem that was allocated against.
Open Item BalanceValue/balance of the open item that the payment was allocated against
Allocated ValueThe value allocated against each open item that make up the payment
Running BalanceThe balance on the open item once the payment has been allocated.

General tab

SiteThe site that this customer payment defaulted or entered against.
PeriodThe period comes from the date of the payment.
Charge ToThe card to which the payment is being charged to.



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