Entering a new customer payment through cards manually

Entering a new customer payment through cards manually

A customer payment in Readysell indicates that a customer has made a payment for the items they have purchased.  A payment can be received via direct deposit, cheque, eftpos or cash.

Once a payment has been entered, it can then be allocated against the customer card, and it then reduces the balance owing by the customer.

If you have been paid by the Customer in the form of a Cheque, ensure that you enter the cheque bank details onto the customers card before you insert the Payment see link Card general settings
Once the Bank Details are entered onto the Customers Card, when inserting the customer payment ensure to select tender for cheque, then drop down the arrow on the field of 'Bank account' and select the cheque drawer details to the customer payment. 

  1. In the navigation panel, click Relationships>Cards.
  2. Find the Card and Highlight it

  3. Right Click on the Card and highlight New>Customer Payment 

  4. Drop down 'New'>Customer Payment from the top ribbon

  5. The Customer Payment window displays.

  6. Enter header details for the payment:
    • Enter the date of the payment. For transactions off a bank statement, this will be the statement date; for other transactions it will be today's date.
    • Enter the full value of the payment received.
    • Enter a description to best describe the payment received
    • Select the correct tender method. This is very important as it affects bank reconcilations.
    • Enter a reference for the payment. Working off the bank statement, the reference must be at least one word that is on the bank statement that best references back to this direct deposit.
      If Paid by cheque then enter the cheque number and ensure to select the drawer details.

  7. When you have finished, you have two options. 
    1. Click Finalise to finalise the payment without allocating it.
    2. Click Finalise and Allocate to finalise the payment and allocate it against an the open items in the list.

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