Entering a new customer payment manually through Customer Transactions
Entering a new customer payment manually through Customer Transactions
If you have been paid by the Customer in the form of a Cheque, ensure that you enter the cheque bank details onto the customers card before you insert the Payment see link Card general settings
Once the Bank Details are entered onto the Customers Card, when inserting the customer payment ensure to select tender for cheque, then drop down the arrow on the field of 'Bank account' and select the cheque drawer details to the customer payment.
- In the navigation panel, click Relationships>Customer Transactions> Payments.
Click New. The Customer Payment window displays as below.
- Enter the header details for the payment
- Enter the date of the payment. For transactions off a bank statement, this has to be the date that is on the bank statement. For other transactions it will be today's date.
- Select the Customer from the drop down filter and draw it to the screen
- Enter the full value of the payment received
- Enter a description to best drescribe the payment.
- Select the correct tender method. This is very important as the tender selected affects the bank reconciliation.
- Payment reference if working off the bank statement has to be one full word off the statement that reflects the payment, as this will be used when Importing the Bank Statement for the Bank reconciliation.
If you receive a cheque payment then enter the Cheque number in this reference field.
- If the payment is by cheque, ensure that you add the Cheque Bank Details to the Card first off before you commence entering the customer payment. Card general settings
- When you have finished entering all the payment details at the header level, you have two options.
- Click Finalise to finalise the payment without allocating it.
- Click Finalise and Allocate to finalise the payment and allocate it against an the open items in that make up the payment
, multiple selections available,
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