Purchase Invoices

Purchase Invoices


The Purchase Invoices screen shows you all the purchase invoices that have been recorded in Readysell. From this screen you can:

  • finalise a purchase invoice
  • allocate payments for a purchase invoice
  • reverse a purchase invoice

Click on a purchase invoice in the list to view its details.

Getting Started



Refer to Common Buttons.

Default TotalPopulate the manual totals for this purchase invoice with the actual invoice totals


TypeThis is the transaction type for this Purchase Invoice
NumberThe unique number for the transaction of this Purchase Invoice
StatusThe transactions current status
DateThe date and time of creation of Purchase Invoice
SupplierThis is the supplier for this purchase invoice
Supplier InvoiceThis is the supplier invoice for the purchase invoice
Workflow StatusThis field shows the workflow progress status for this purchase invoice
W/F Stat Change DueThis field shows the workflow status change date due for the purchase invoice
Tax ValueThe tax value invoiced for the purchase invoice
Value ExThis is the value ex tax invoiced for the purchase invoice
Manual Value ExThis should be filled in using the Default Manual Value button to make sure that the value calculated so far matches to a recalc of the lines in case a value has been changed and you have not moved off that value since the change.
Value Ex VarianceThe variance between the Value Ex and the Manual Value Ex (if there is one)
Value IncThis is the value inc tax invoiced for the purchase invoice
Manual Value Inc This should be filled in using the Default Manual Value button to make sure that the value calculated so far matches to a recalc of the lines in case a value has been changed and you have not moved off that value since the change.
Value Inc Variance The variance between the Value Inc and the Manual Value Inc (if there is one)

Lines Tab

ProductThe product ID for the purchase invoice line
NameThe name of the product for the purchase invoice line
QtyThis field shows the unit quantity invoiced for this line
Product UnitThe product unit used for this line of product to invoice
Unit Quantity On Hand The quantity on hand for the product unit selected on the line of the product
Price Ex This is the unit price ex gst for the line of the product
Price IncThis field shows the unit price including tax for this line
Value ExThis is the value ex tax invoiced for this line
TaxThe tax value invoiced for this line
Value IncThis is the value inc tax invoiced for this line
Notes If the line of product has a note attached to it, then this box will have a tick in it. Refer to the note in the Line Notes tab

Line Details Tab

Unit QOH What the unit quantity on hand is for the product line selected
Tax Code Shows the tax code for the product line selected

Line Notes


Account Site The account site for this dissection
Debit ValueThis is the debit value of the dissection
Credit ValueThis field shows the credit value for this dissection
NarrativeThe narrative for the dissection
DescriptionThis field contains a description of the dissection

General Tab

SiteThis is the site location of the product on the purchase invoice line
PeriodThis is the period the purchase invoice was created
Overdue The value overdue owing to the supplier
Charge ToThis is the charge to account

Receipts Tab

SupplierThis is the supplier name and ID of the purchase receipt related to the purchase invoice
Transaction NumberThis is the transaction number of the purchase receipt related to the purchase invoice
DateThis is the date and time of the purchase receipt related to the purchase invoice
Value ExThis is the value ex tax received for the purchase receipt
Value IncThis is the value inc tax received for the purchase receipt
Purchase OrderThis is the purchase order number for the line




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