Financials quick reference guide

Financials quick reference guide

From the Navigation Panel select Financials.  Then select Cashbook, General Leger or TaxFrom the list view you need to know how to complete all the basic actions below. You should then learn how to complete all of the advanced processes.

Basic financial processes

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*****Entering Manual Bank Deposits

This transaction is only for Deposits that appear on a bank statement that have not been entered on any card of any type. Click New, Enter the date that is on Bank Statement, Tender,Bank Account, Description, Payment Reference, Select the correct General Ledger Account, Value and Tax code. Click on Finalise.

Transaction Type = CBKDEP

Entering Manual Bank Payments 

This transaction is only for Payments that appear on a bank statement that have not been entered on any card of any type. Click New, Enter the date that is on Bank Statement, Tender,Bank Account, Description, Payment Reference, Select the correct General Ledger Expense Account, Value and Tax code. Click on Finalise.

Transaction Type = CBKPAY

Creating a Recuring Bank Payment

Your regular bank payments can be handled automatically as reccuring bank payments. Let's say you have to pay rent every month. You can just setup a reccuring payment and the system will create the required payment based upon the rules that have been set up on the recurring payment itself. The recurring payment that has been set up will stand for the master payment and the status will always be OPEN.  In addition, weekly payments can also be automated. Best practice is to have your bank perform a direct debit on a regular basis. Then use a bank reconciliation rule to import the payment into your system from the bank statement.

If you are not using automated bank reconciliation import or if you can't get the bank to setup a direct debit to handle your regular payment requirement, then you would use this feature to create the payment from within Readysell.

Entering a Bank Transfer from One Bank Account to Another Bank Account 
A Bank Transfer is a electronic payment that is made directly from your bank account to another bank account.
Eg a payment made from your master bank account to your Visa Credit Card Account.- (in other words a bank-to-bank transfer/payment). The contra account for this bank transfer is 11535. This account is a mandatory account. Please do not change this account id to stand for anything else within the chart of accounts.


The Bankings Modules contains the movements of all Money in and out of  any General Ledger Account that is has been set up and flagged as a Bank Account.

It is a list of all Payments Received being from a Customer, Cash Sales, Cheques, Eftpos, Direct Deposits and Payments made to a Supplier along with all Banking Deposits, Banking Payments and Banking Transfers.
Basically any transaction that affects any Bank Account will flow through into the Bankings Module.

Please note, there is a flag on the genera ledger chart of accounts that stands for 'Is Bank'. 
If this flag is turned off at any point in time, then if you use a tender that is linked to this bank account, you will not see the transaction in the Banking file nor the bank reconciliation

No manual entries can be added through the 'Bankings' Module.


Performing A Bank Reconciliation 

Before you commence your first Bank Reconcilation, ensure that Readysell has set up the First Bankrec to stand for you closing bankrec from your old system.
Bank Reconciliation is a process that explains the difference between the bank balance shown in a companys bank statement, as supplied by the bank, and the corresponding amount shown in the organization's own [accounting] records at a particular point in time.

Modifying the General Ledger Chart of Accounts 

The purpose of the Chart of Accounts is to provide a listing of the different accounts used by the organisaion according to their intended purpose. Readysell has a set Chart of Accounts, the Chart is reviewed by the Site as additonal Accounts may need to be modified/added. The AccountIDs are not to be changed as they are mandatory and used in various areas within Readysell. Adding and Modifying Accounts is the way to go.

Before you start trading with Readysell you must adjust the settings on your main bank account and setup any additional bank accounts! As the bank account details from your main bank account print on your sale invoices!

Setting up the Primary Bank account and Other Bank Accounts.

You can only have 1 Primary Bank Account but many Bank Accounts.
Readysell has a standardised chart of accounts that you can add accounts to.
Once all the bank accounts are set up, ensure that you have all tenders set up to point to the correct bank account Setting up a Tender

  1. Log onto Readysell>Financials>General Ledger>Accounts>List View
    If you are working from Tree View, click on the Expand All action button in the top ribbon (task bar) 

  2. Find in the Asset section the main bank account 11505 and highlight it

  3. In the Detail area, field = Description, enter the Bank Account eg could be Bank itself along with the name or just the name of the bank account

     Show me

  4. Click on the Settings Tab
    'Is Bank Account' = Ticked
    'Primary Bank Account = Ticked

    Bank Account Bank = type in the bank EG NAB
    Bank Account name = type in the name of the Bank Account
    Bank Account BSB = type in the BSB 
    Bank Account Number = type in the Bank Account number
    Click on SAVE

     Show me

  5. If you have any other bank accounts, do the same.

For Visa/Credit Card accounts, Readysell has a list in the Liability area starts at 34000
Make the appropriate changes and Save

Adding/Removing Transaction Types from a General Ledger Chart of Account 

Readysell allows you to restrict certain transaction types from a General Ledger Account to reduce the chance of errors.

Setting up General Ledger Account Budgets 

General ledger budget figures let you measure actual performance against your expectations. The general ledger figures are of not much use on their own. At some point you have to compare your general ledger results against some expected standard. The budget figures allow you to record your expected results, your business plan, in advance. Then to monitor actual performance to see if you are meeting your goals.

All well run business enterprises have a business plan and compare results against the plan. Best practice is to enter general ledger budgets, at least on a few key accounts like revenue and expenses, at the start of the year. Then every month check your results against your expectation. If the business is not performing as expected, you will have time to do something about it before the end of the year.

Entering a Manual General Journal 

A Manual General Ledger Journal is only entered when you need to record a nonroutine transactions, such as depreciation, sale of an asset, etc. When inserting a general journal you must enter the account to be debited and the account to be credited and the amounts. Once a transaction is recorded in the general journal, the amounts are then posted to the appropriate accounts for that period.

If a source transaction has been posted to the wrong general ledger account or the value of the transaction is incorrect, a general ledger journal is not the way to go. You must go back to the source transaction and fix it from there.

Transaction Type = 'GLJMAN'

Financial Reports  Select reports from the navigation panel, go to form reports then select the "financial reports" category. Run a profit and loss and a balance sheet report.

Advanced Financial Processes

Cash Book

Bank Deposits

Bank Payments

Bank Transfers

Bank Reconciliations

General Ledger



Standing Journals


GST Batches

Backdating Cost on Shipments

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