Cancelling a Recurring Bank Payment

Cancelling a Recurring Bank Payment


You cannot delete a recurring bank payment as it is linked to bank payments that have been created from it.

Set Recurring Bank Payment to type = NONE

  1. Log onto Readysell>Bank Payments
  2. Populate onto the list view the field of STATUS
  3. Select from the Status OPEN

     Click here to expand...
  4. Click on the heading 'Recurrence type' to sort it in order 
  5. Search for the Payment set to have a type of Recurrence Highlight the recurring payment you no longer wish to use. Note the bank payment number

     Click here to expand...
  6. Highlight the recurring payment you no longer wish to use and note down the transaction number
  7. Change the date to be today's date
  8. Click on Save
  9. Go to each line on the bank payment and change the value to be zero on all
  10. Click on Save
  11. Click the 'General Tab in the detail area
  12. Change the type to NONE
     Show me

  13. Click on Refresh to SAVE
  14. Click Go back and search for that transaction number 
  15. Click on Finalise