Drilling down to transaction details from an account

Drilling down to transaction details from an account

You can see from any general ledger account all postings and dissections.

  1. Log onto Readysell>financials>general ledger>accounts>list view
  2. click anywhere in the detail area on a general ledger account
  3. Set the period in question by clicking on action button in the top ribbon 'set period range'
  4. Enter the start and end period you wish to drill down into and click on OK

     Click here to expand...

  5. Now search for the account you wish to see all dissections and/or postings to
  6. In the detail area you can see in summary various opening/movement and closing balances for the period selected

     Click here to expand...

For more details on using column chooser etc see link below to document
Readysell Overview Training Guide