Entering Manual Bank Deposits
Entering Manual Bank Deposits
These consists of financial transactions from a bank statement that do not relate to a Customer Card eg Interest Received
- From the Navigational panel>click on Financials>Cashbook> Bank Deposits
Click on New in the top ribbon, to create a new bank deposit
- Enter the date as per the date on the bank statement
- Enter a description to best describe the transaction
- Select the correct tender that is linked to that bank account
- Select the Correct Bank Account if you have more than one bank account set up.
- Enter a payment reference, referring back to the bank statement, use one word off the bank statement.
- Navigate down to the lines tab
- Search for the correct gl expense account
- Enter another Description if need be or leave the defaulted one from the header
- Enter the Value Inc Tax of the deposit
Select the correct Tax Code (very important)
Click on Finalise or Finalise and New to complete
- Finalise to complete and exit out of the insert payment window
Finalise and New to complete this payment and commence another payment.