Show In Report or Show Source In Report Button

The 'Show In Report' button will show you the Reports depending on the context of what is highlighted.

The 'Show In Report' Button at the top of the screen on the Ribbon will show you the reports at the highest level object. Whilst the 'Show in Report'  on a tab will show you the reports relating to the item shown on the tab for that line level.

Example of 'Show In Report' for Sales Order:

  1. Click on 'Sales'
  2. Click on Orders
  3. HIghlight an order
  4. If you click on the 'Show In Report' at the header you can select from one of the reports
  5. Still on the same Order, Click on 'Shipments' Tab
  6. Click on 'Show In Report' to see the reports that relate to the item
  7. If you then click on 'Show Related' on this Shipment and Select 'Customer' 
  8. The Details of that Card Id window will open
  9. From Here if you select 'Show In Report' at the Header level you can see all the reports that can be printed for that Card.