Complete Buttons
Complete Buttons
Below are some points on Save and Complete or Complete buttons to give you a better understanding.
- The 'COMPLETE''/COMPLETE Buttons - Once a transaction has been entered you can Click on 'Save and Complete' or Complete' to ship and invoice the order in full.
- The 'Complete/'Complete' buttons creates a transcation called 'sales Shipment' (SALSHP) and a Sales Invoice (SALINV) for a full order.
- The 'Complete'/'Complete' buttons (ships and invoices) the order in full.
- The 'Complete'/'Complete' button prompts you for a Tender to Complete the transaction. If the tender is already set on the Customers Card then you will not get prompted for a tendertype.
- Then click on OK
- The status on a transactions once the Complete button has been action is 'Posted'.
Example of using the 'SAVE & SHIP Button.
Entering a Sales Order
- Click on Relationships
- Click on Sales
- Click on Sales Orders
- Click on New
- Enter or change the date
- Select a Customer Card ID
- Enter a Customer Order
- Enter/select a Product
- Enter a quantity
- You can change the price if need be
- Click On 'COMPLETE' OR 'COMPLETE'. At this point a SALSHP and SALNV is generated.