Save Button

Save Button

The 'SAVE'' Button works the same way in every module. Once a transaction has been entered you have the choice to 'SAVE'  it. The 'Save' Button just saves what you have entered. It does not ship, finalise or Invoice the transaction. 'Save' will leave the transaction with a status of 'Open' until further work is done on that transaction.

Example of using the 'SAVE' button.

Entering a Sales Order

  1. Click on Relationships
  2. Click on Sales
  3. Click on Sales Orders
  4. Click on New
  5. Enter or change the date
  6. Select a Customer Card ID
  7. Enter a Customer Order 
  8. Enter/select a Product
  9. Enter a quantity
  10. You can change the price if need be
  11. Click On 'SAVE' at this point to park the sale until you are ready with further instructions.