Exporting multiple pages or the entire space

Exporting multiple pages or the entire space

 You can convert multiple pages or an entire space to PDF.

To export a space or selected pages to PDF:

  1. Go to the space and choose Space tools > Content Tools from the bottom of the sidebar.

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  2. Choose Export. This option will only be visible if you have the 'Export Space' permission.

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  3. Select PDF then choose Next

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  4. Decide whether you need to customise the export:
    • Select Normal Export to produce a PDF file containing all the pages that you have permission to view.
    • Select Custom Export if you want to export a subset of pages.

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  5. Select the pages you want to export.
    • You have the option to Select All or Deselect All pages.
    • When you select a page, all its child pages will also be selected. Similarly, when you deselect a page all its child pages will also be deselected.
  6. Choose Export.
  7. When the export process has finished, download and save the PDF file as prompted.