Save and Close Button

Save and Close Button

The 'SAVE & CLOSE'' Button works the same way in every module. Once a transaction has been entered you have the choice to 'SAVE & CLOSE'  it. The 'Save & CLOSE ' Button just saves what you have entered and closes out of the module you are in. 'Save & Close' will leave the transaction with a status of 'Open' until further work is done on that transaction.

Example of using the 'SAVE & CLOSE' button.

Entering a Sales Order

  1. Click on Relationships
  2. Click on Sales
  3. Click on Sales Orders
  4. Click on New
  5. Enter or change the date
  6. Select a Customer Card ID
  7. Enter a Customer Order 
  8. Enter/select a Product
  9. Enter a quantity
  10. You can change the price if need be
  11. Click On 'SAVE & CLOSE' at this point the sale will be SAVED and it will be parked until you are ready with further instructions.