Send Button

Send Button

This Send button is only available in the following modules
  1. Sale Orders - Requires "Purchasing Officer" flag
  2. Sale Shipment
  3. Sale Invoice  - Requires "Account Payable" flag
  4. Purchase Order  - Requires "Sales" flag
  5. Service Order - Requires "Purchasing Officer" flag

    Please Note

    If the right flag on the contacts isn't flagged correctly a list of all contacts will appear in the "TO" drop down list.

The 'Send' Button works the same way in every module it has three option as shown below.

  • Email (Background)- This sends the email automatically in the background
  • Email (Prompt)- This allows users to edit/ review the email that will be sent out a pop up Send Email box appears

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  • Print- This allows you to print eg: sale invoice. 

An Example of the 'Send' Button being used is if customer needs a sale invoice printed you would use the 'Send' Print option.