Finalise and allocate button

Finalise and allocate button

The 'FINALISE & ALLOCATE' Button works the same way in every module.

  • Once a transaction has been entered you have the choice to 'Finalise' or 'Finalise & Allocate'.
  • The 'Finalise & Allocate' Button allows you to finalise the transaction and Allocate outstanding open items against this transaction for that card.
  • The Finalise & Allocate' button, finalises , creates and open item and writes it to the General Leger and opens another window to allow you to allocate it.
  • The Finalise & Allocate button is available in all modules where transactions are being entered and need to ONLY be 'FINALISED & ALLOCATED' no Shipment or Invoicing Required.

  • "Allocate Selected" - This means you can select the openitem/line/s you wish to allocate, then click 'Allocated Selected' and it will allocate those amounts.
  • "Unallocate Selected" - This means that if you have allocated the incorrect open items, highlight the open items you wish to unallocate line by line or click and hold down 'Control C' and Highlight each Line and click on 'Unallocate Selected' .
  • "Unallocate All" - This means that whatever you have allocated so far will be unallocated all in one hit when you click on 'Unallocate All'.
  • "Allocate All Credits" - This means that all open items with a minus in front (being Credits) will be allocated once you click on 'Allocate All Credits'.
  • "Allocate Remainder" - This means that the outstanding amount left to be allocated will be allocated against the open items you have highlighted when you click on 'Allocate Remainder'. It is like a partial allocation against the open item to allow you to Nett of the allocation to the Value of Zero. 
  • "Allocate by Age" - This means that all open items will be allocated according to which Period Selection you make from the drop down box.  If you select Current, then all open items in current period will get allocated.  If you select 30 days, then it will only allocate open items marked as 30 days ; If you select 60 days then it will only allocate open items marked as 60 days;  If you select 90 days then it will only allocate open items marked as 90 days; If you select 120 days then it will only allocate open items marked as 120 days ; If you select Forward then it will only allocate open items marked as Forward.

Example of Finalise and Allocate transactions below:

Entering a Customer Credit

  1. Click on Relationships
  2. Click on Customer Transactions
  3. Click on Credits
  4. Click on New
  5. Enter or change the date
  6. Select a Customer Card ID
  7. Enter a Description
  8. Enter a Account Site. ( Misc Debits and Credits are purely financial expenses)
  9. Enter a Value
  10. Enter a Tax code
  11. Click On 'Finalise and Allocate'
  12. Another Window Opens 'Allocation' window
    1. Make your select of what Invoices/Credits make up the allocation by either clicking on 'Allocate by Age' and make your selection; OR highlight each open item and click on 'Allocate Selected'.
  13. Then Click on the 'Finalise' button to complete the Allocation.