Template Replacement Variables

Template Replacement Variables

The following list of variables can be used in the Subject or Body fields on Email defaults or Email batch defaults. (Choose Email defaults for normal emails, choose Email batch defaults where you are working on email batches)

{TRANSACTION-NUMBER}The external transaction number(s) of the relevant transactions(s)
  • INV-10001
  • PURORD-1234
  • For emails related to transactions only
  • If there are multiple transactions they will be separated by commas
{LONG-DATE}The transaction date of the relevant transaction in "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy" format
  • Monday, 15 June 2009
  • Friday, 5 July 2013
  • For emails related to transactions only
{SHORT-DATE}The transaction date of the relevant transaction in "dd/MM/yyyy" format
  • 1/01/2008
  • 1/07/2013
  • For emails related to transactions only
{FROM-NAME}The full name of the current Readysell user

{TO-NAME}The name of the person to whom the email is being sent

{CASE-NAME}The name of case

{FROM-PHONE}The phone number that is listed in 'users'

{FROM-EMAIL}The email address that the email is being sent from

{CUSTOMER-ORDER}The "Customer Order" of service order
  • For emails related to service orders only
{TOKEN}The "Token" of service order, case and meter count run
  • For emails related to meter count run, service orders or cases only
{DATA}Various hard-coded data that needs to be inserted by the system
  • For meter count requests this will be replaced with the equipment information and count area



The contents of anything entered into the "Notes" text box when sending the email.

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