Data Conversion

Data Conversion

Readysell has a standard procedure for importing data from your old system.

Key Features

Initial conversion before training starts (stage 1 conversion)

If at all possible, before scheduled training commences, Readysell performs an initial data conversion, known as the stage 1 conversion. The aim of the initial conversion is to provide some basic data to assist with the training and evaluation process. The initial conversion will, to where possible,   include :

  • customer, contract price, products and suppliers data. This includes address and contact details for customers and suppliers
  • product units and product categories
  • Customer and supplier notes
  • Product Bar Codes and supplier codes
  • Some other transaction and product history data if that data is conveniently available and would be of assistance during the training program
  • If your old system allows multiple invoice number ranges for invoices. As may happen if it uses concepts like 'Invoice books'. Then the imported invoices will have the old systems invoice number as a reference and will have a different number on the invoice itself. Those invoices are intended to assist with purchasing and customer history enquiry. If you want to reprint old invoices reprint them from the old system
  •  Customer and supplier open items are imported with the same invoice numbers as the old system. We balance those figures to the detailed trial balances on the old system

After the stage 1 data conversion, you have to complete, sign and return to Readysell the stage 1 review checklist. See: Stage 1 Customer Verification Checklist

Final master file conversion one week before "Go Live" weekend (stage 2 conversion)


Between one and three weeks before the go live weekend. Though normally on the weekend before the final "Go Live" weekend. Readysell will, to the extent possible, complete the final master file conversion. This is known as the stage 2 conversion. The second data conversion will include up to date customer, products and suppliers data. This will include address and contact details for customers and suppliers.

All other data is also reconverted. As we find having fresh and updated transactions, sale orders, purchase orders, customer open items, supplier open items, stock balances etc.. helps with training and parallel runs.


 After the date of the final master file conversion : 

  • All new products, customers or suppliers will be picked up on the final conversion weekend
  • All changes to products, customers or suppliers must be made in both systems. Change made to those master files on the older system will not be converted again.
  • Take care to identify any customers and suppliers on your old system that had the same customer or supplier code. Those cards will be merged
  • Contract prices should be changed in both systems. Normally we don't reimport contracts prices again after the stage 2 conversion. But you can ask us to do so if you wish.
  • Tidy up the card address and card contact data
  • Training about changes to master data should be done on the test loging. As the master data will not be reimported. You have to start taking care to not damage the master file data on the live system
  • You will need to do acceptance tests on the converted data to ensure it is accurate before the final conversion

After the stage 2 data conversion, you have to complete, sign and return to Readysell the stage 2 review checklist. See: /wiki/spaces/INT/pages/26018060

Review of master file conversion during the week before "Go Live" weekend

On the Monday or Tuesday of the week before final conversion. Readysell support will send you spreadsheets containing details of your old systems and data after import into Readysell for customers, suppliers, addresses, products, contract prices (and/or product groups) and machines. Please review those spreadsheets and correct most errors in Readysell. In particular :

  • Suburbs sometimes do not convert. Due to Readysell needing your suburb to line up with the Australian postcodes database,
  • Review sell prices, barcodes and costs for some products,
  • Check a few contract prices,
  • Check a few machines.

Final conversion on Friday night before "Go Live" weekend (stage 3 conversion)

On the Friday night before the "Go Live" weekend the following data will be imported into Readysell if possible. Known as the stage 3 conversion:

  • All transactions in Readysell 8 will be cleared before the final data conversion

  • Outstanding purchase orders

  • Customer and supplier notes
  • Favourites
  • Image files from your old system if any. Otherwise images files from your suppliers
  • Serial numbers for products
  • Product group pricing may be imported as contracts or converted to Readysell price categories
  • Product Bar Codes and supplier codes. Bar codes may be imported from your suppliers and matches against existing products. For example from the price book
  • Completed sales invoices as history (not to be used for reprints). The invoice number may need to be changed with the original number in a reference field
  • Product movement history in respect to sales only
  • Stock and value on hand by location. Readysell to balance the value on hand against your old system. If the stock on hand on your old system is not accurate. We may agree to skip importing that data
  • Outstanding supplier open items. Those items will be balance to the suppliers trial balance
  • Outstanding customer open items. Those items will be balance to the customers trial balance
  • Machines if any exist in the old system
  • Product sell prices
  • Product supplier costs

Some optional steps that may be included on the final go live weekend after all other imported data is validated include :

  • Deleting old customers that are no longer required. History and review spreadsheets may be created to assist with this process
  • Deleting old suppliers that are no longer required
  • Deleting old products that are not required
  • Changing customer, supplier and particularly product codes. Product codes may need to be changed to match your preferred supplier
  • Catalogue and price book updates. Until those processes are run. Any images imported from your suppliers may not display

Master file data such as customers, suppliers, products, addresses, contract prices, machines and contacts are not reconverted during the stage 3 conversion. The earlier stage 2 conversion was the final conversion for master file data.

Product sell prices and product costs are normally reconverted as part of the stage 3 conversion.

You will need to make one person available to review the converted data. This will be after your last day's trading on the old system and before any weekend live/training sessions with your staff.

During the conversion weekend a number of live training sessions will be held. Those will involve entering real transactions into the system using the converted data. Readysell will make a representative available to assist with training and with any further required corrections to the data.

The data conversion will be signed off as complete on the conversion weekend. Corrections to the imported data will be made by Readysell for one week after the final data conversion. After that time import or correction of data may involve an additional charge.

After the stage 3 data conversion, on the Saturday of the go live weekend, you have to complete, sign and return to Readysell the stage 3 review checklist. See: /wiki/spaces/INT/pages/26018054


If you are using any Readysell financials you must complete the Financials engagement meeting before any financials training or other financials work or activity. See: Readysell Financials Engagement Meeting for Full Financials

Do not seek any training or do anything in respect to financials without first completing a financials engagement meeting!

Readysell handles conversion of general ledger data manually :

We use the standard Readysell chart of accounts.

You will be asked to review the Readysell chart of accounts. We will assist you in adding any additional accounts required for your business.

Once the chart of accounts has been agreed. After live conversion to Readysell. We bring over balances from the old system's general ledger using general journals. Those journals will include the closing balances of the various accounts from the old system.

Once you have finalised your last bank reconciliation on the old system. We create an initial bankings on Readysell being the closing balances of all your reconcilable bank accounts. Then Readysell's support team create a first bank rec to stand for the opening balances including any unpresented items.

Readysell includes a very powerful general ledger and cash book. If you do not use Readysell's general leger or cash book. We provide a manual procedure to extract figures from reports for entry into your preferred General Ledger and Cash Book. 


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