Service benefits

Service Benefits (SER.)






Service best practice checklist

Get your service department performing at it's best by following our service best practice checklist
2MPS BillingHandle the most sophisticated service requirements with MPS billing.  Lining your customers, finance companies and machines through Readysell's machine charge groups, grand total machines etc.

3Mobile app works even down a mine or out of range and uses the devices you have.Increase service team productivity and improve control of your business by capturing service work through the mobile app.  Runs on android and apple devices.  Can also be run on windows laptops via a android emulator.  The mobile app keeps working when out of range and syncs when in range again.  Allowing your technician to use the same app when in the office, in a remote area or 600 meters down a mine!

4Get credits from your suppliers when parts don't perform with advanced parts trackingReadysell logs actual vs expected life for all parts in machines.  We highlight on the screen and report on parts that don't perform. If a drum only lasts half of it's claimed life, you will know and can ask a credit from the supplier!
5Contract pricing beyond your expectationsGroup contracts together and apply them to many machines. Simplify and visualize your contract performance.  Every change to a contract is logged, so you can track GP changes and sales performance changes stemming from every contract change. Keep the full charge for all sales, but discount them so the customers sees the full amount.
6Sell packages of labour over time to manage cash flow, enhance customer loyalty and provide additional service.Sell blocks of Labour in advance at a discount.  Say 100 hours that the customer can use any time but which you bill out to them over 12 months.  On every invoice the full change and the pre-paid labour is shown.  Once the customer buys the 100 hours they are locked in, but get a return they can see.  They can pay over time to give them a easy budget for their work.
7Delight your customers with total invoicing flexibility.Group all work for stationary sales as well as service for many customers at many sites onto one invoice at the end of the month.  Alternatively split just one or two machines as desperate and group together the rest.  Just about every mix and max invoicing option you can think of is already there.  With the right rules you can deliver your invoices in a way that is tailored to each customer.
8Total meter charging flexabilityTotal up charges by quantity or value to subtotal meters on a machine, across groups of meters on different machines or across many machines.  Charge one count on a colour subtotal meter to different departments, charge the colour total meter, charge tot total machine a minimum or a minimum on meters.  Minimums can be a value, a quantity and price, a initial amount including a count.  The list is exhaustive.  Bill your machines the way you want to.
9Track many calls on the same service order such as for installs.Some tasks require many calls.  Such as run up equipment, deliver equipment, install equipment, uninstall equipment.  Link all those calls on one job assigning one or many technicians to each call.  So you can track the whole workflow in one place instead of fragmenting one task into many separate jobs.
10Drag and drop reportingReadysell's analysis reporting tools allow anyone to drag and drop columns to generate sophisticated reports.
11Standard technician and machine performance reportingTrack call backs, incomplete calls, unprofitable machines and many other key performance indicators with our build in standard service reports
12Colour code exceptions to inform your service teamYou can adjust the rules that colour exceptions on your screens.  Inform your team about work they should be attending too by making colours and icons on the screen lead them to the most important issues.
13Automatically capture meter counts using integration to to FM Audit, Print Audit, Canon Emaintenance, emailed counts from machines, user entry of counts to web pages and more.Readysell integrates to a wide range of data feeds about your equipment.  Automate capture of toner levels, meter counts, faults and other information about the equipment you service.  Then automatically trigger actions based on the service intelligence rules built into the system.  Automated toner tracking and replacement can apply to individual machines or "pools" of machines in a location.
14Automate management of your team with toner tracking, automatic toner replacement, automatic preventative maintenance call generation, automatic purchasingReadysell can automate many management functions.  Such as toner tracking, replacement and reporting.  Generation of service calls for preventative maintenance based on expected usage and life cycle of parts as well as maintenance schedules
15Machine hire and seamless machine replacementHire or replace a machine.  Then have the meter counts on the replacement machine count like they were meters on the machine being replaced. Generate separate hire charges for the whole machine or split out finance charges based on counts on individual meters.
16Highlight the value of your work with actual vs discount comparisons on invoices and reportsAll our work has value, we just discount some of it by 100%.  As a result we can highlight on every invoice and on periodic end of period reports just how much customers are saving by being on one of your service contracts.
17Use phone integration to trigger phone calls with the touch of a screen and to log phone calls along with emails against machine and customer historyReadysell can create phone calls and can log the time each person was on the phone to each customer.  Use big data to monitor time on the phone for service work and for the rest of your team.  Link this to geocaching.  Where the mobile app logs technician locations as they record their work.
18Sophisticated document management allows you to get rid of your filing cabinetsDocuments can be linked to individual service orders, to machines, to models, to customers.  In Readysell and on the mobile app.  Scroll through the links to find the invoice, user guide or other documentation you need for a machine or any other work.
19Use prospects and machine generation to log future service opportunitiesGenerate a machine for cash sales as a prospect and card sales.  Then have your sales team chase up machines sold but not under service contracts right away or when the machine is likely to be replaced.
20Don't make a machine for small devices if you don't need it againDon't clutter your database with machines for small devices where you will never use it again.  You can do service work without a customer and without a machine.  For example for for small inc jet printers that you just change an evaluation fee on then through way.
21Use our standard advanced warehousing to track parts in trucksReadysell's advanced warehousing features allow you to track and automatically replace parts in trucks as they are used by technicians
22Automatically enforce standards, such as standard notes, track actual vs billed time, trigger alerts when work overdueReadysell has a range of features that can enforce your preferred service standards across your team. records actual vs billed hours, use standard notes to describe an issue, send messages to your customers when goods are ready to pick up.  There is a vast range of small standard enforcement procedures built into the program.  We get all your staff to work like the best!
23All your history is importedReadysell imports all your history, your quotes, your invoices, your machines.  Walk out on Friday and when your team returns on Monday, all the data they are used to is in Readysell.  So your team can keep working and access past data.