Office Brands integration benefits

Office Brands integration benefits

Office Brands Integration Benefits (OBI.)






Office Brands integration best practice

Take advantage of the full range of integrations to Office Brands by implementing all our Office Brands integration best practiceshttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/WAAn
2Office Brands integration pointsMake use of some of the over fourteen integration points between Readysell and Office Brandshttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DgCCBQ
3Sales force integrationData flows both ways between Readysell and Sales Force, allowing you to get the most out of your sales team

Sales web orders automatically imported into Readysell

Automatically drop into the Readysell sales orders module

Contracts flow automatically up to WebX

Create the contract, add the customer, as long as the customer has a valid Web Customer Name, the contract should send up to the web within 15mins

Sales invoices upload to WebX, allowing customers to do reprints of their own invoices from the web


National Accounts and Local Buy sales are automatically reported


BI data is uploaded to Office Brands, giving you access to insights from Office Brands Business Intelligence


All messages tracked in detail, allowing Readysell to work closely with Office Brands to help chase up any issues you have


Catalogues and flyers are automatically downloaded into Readysell

Make best use to catalogues and flyershttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/IIUT

Full data portal product list flows to your price book and can be used to review or update your product prices, costs, barcodes and other fields

Ensure that your products line up to the data portalhttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EIAJ
12Products flow automatically up to WebX

13Favorites integrationCreate new customers with suggested favourites and then send them up to WebX for the new customer to use. Add to favourites for existing customershttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/cIDN

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