Financial Benefits

Financial Benefits

Financials Benefits (FIN.)


Financial Budgets

You can set overall financial budgets by account by month and detailed daily financial budgets for key accounts like saleshttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CoApBQ
2Payroll can deliver happier staff and save timePayroll gives each of your staff members a internet login. Letting them see their pay history, apply for holidays and other staff functions. Payroll is always up to date and automates many manual tasks.https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/gIDVAg
3Automated bank reconciliationsAutomated bank reconciliations can give you better control of your cash and cut bookkeeping time substantiallyhttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CwDBB
4Live profit and lossLive profit and loss reports on your screen allows you to immediately identify and drill into financial issueshttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DQDUB
5Financial best practiceGet all your financials running great by following our detailed financials best practice checklisthttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KoC4Ag
6Supplier Payment Run and ABA fileSupplier Payment run provides a user with the facility to generate a full supplier payment run based on a number of criteria along with the option to export a ABA file and then import it into your bank account that will distribute the payments accordingly. This could reduce a lot of manual work.https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NQEoAQ
7GST BatchUsing the GST batch is simple and beneficial. The GST Calculation Worksheet shows how Readysell calculates the GST figures displayed on the Business Activity Statement (BAS). The worksheet is one of the reports making up the BAS and it is purely used to workout the GST figues and is not to be lodged to the ATOhttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/XAIoAQ
8XLReporting integrationSlice and dice your general ledger figures any way you like with optional XLReporting integration (XLReporting sold separately)https://www.xlreporting.com/
9Financial best practiceImprove staff productivity and your control over the business by implementing our financial best practice checklisthttps://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KoC4Ag