Set Up and Entry of Future Dated Sales.

Set Up and Entry of Future Dated Sales.

The set up of the General Ledger Account and the Tender are usually done by Readysell


Set Up General Ledger Account

  1.  Set up a General Ledger Account within the Income section of the chart to stand for Future Dated Sales. Readysell can help with this set up. See link Creating/ Modifying a general ledger account

Set Up Tender 

  1. Set up a Tender to Stand for Future Dated Sales.
  2. Ensure that the Tendor method = 'Gift Voucher'
  3. Enure that the Account on the Tender = GL Account that you set up for Future Sales Revenue.
  4. All other fields to be completed by Readysell See link on Tenders

Example below


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Proforma Invoice

Readysell to ensure that a Proforma Invoice is available at the Site


  1. Identify the Customer Cards that will be Invoiced for Future Invoices
  2. On the Settings Tab on each Customer Card, Set the Maxi Shipments/Sale = 1 if you only want the customer to receive the entire order on One Shipment and One Invoice. Otherwise leave it blank
  3. On the Settings tab on each customer card, set the Customer Tender = Tender that stands for the Future Dated Sales. If you leave this field blank you can choose any one of the tenders available whilst Completing an Invoice. 

Inserting a Sales Order that is Future Dated.

  1. Go to Sales
  2. Select Sales Order see link Entering and processing a sale order
  3. Click on New
  4. Select the customer
  5. Enter the customer order number
  6. Enter the Future Date into the field of 'Allocate On'. 

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  1. Enter all the products/qty/pricing etc on the sales order
  2. Click on Save or Save and Close. 
  3. By entering a forward date into the field of 'Allocate On' the system will flip the Supply type on the product lines within the Sale to be 'WAITING' from 'Allocated'.
  4. Now Print a Proforma Invoice from the Sales Order by clicking On Show in Report and Selecting the Proforma Invoice. 



Card Transactions to Stand for the Invoice and PrePayment

  1. Go back to Cards and Insert a Customer Debit (MIsc Invoice) for the Full value of the Sales Order with Tax Code of NTE and Select the General Ledger Account for Future Sales Revenue.
    Ensure that in the Description you reference back to the Sales Order Number Customer Debits
    This creates a miscellaneous Open item on the customers account.
    Make a note of the Customer Debit Note and go back to the Sale and either add it in Notes  and/or Customer Order Fields.
  2. When the Payment is received, enter a customer payment on the Customers Card and allocate the cusomter payment against the Customer Debit  Customer Payments


Invoicing the Sales order

When the Allocated Date is reached on the sales order and the system allocates the stock to the Sales order, Auto Warehousing will run and Generate and Print a Shipment.

Enusre you tender this Sales Invoice once completed to be the Tender that you set up for Future Dated Sales.

Conditional Formating

 On the user/workstation that will control and monitor forward dated sales, you can colour code all sales orders within the list that have a 'Allocated On' Date.

This will help you keep in control of all sales orders with a future date.

See link Changing the formatting on lists using appearance rules



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