Getting started with contracts

Getting started with contracts


Contract prices give customers the best totalvalueinctax that is possible.  If there is more than one contract for the same customer and product that applies to one line.  The system will calculate the valueinctax that would result from applying each contract.  Then use whichever contract gives the customer the lowest totalvalueinctax for that line

Sales orders and quotes, deliberately hold the price that was in place at the time the order was created, even if the contract prices change after.

​The reason is that if order and quote prices change when contracts change, then customers might get a different price for the sale than the price originally quoted or emailed to them.




Starting with contracts 

The topics in this section provide you with information about how to use the Contracts functionality within Readysell. There is a lot to cover. So we have broken the information up into basic, intermediate and advanced topics.

Uploading contract prices to the web

  • On common issue with contract uploads is that some products on the contract have not uploaded. Contracts will not upload if the products for the contract have not uploaded. You should also be aware of: Uploading store products and prices to the web

Contracts quick reference

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