Contract products

Contract products




All products

This flag means if it is true (ticked) the contract applies to all products.  If the flag is null (not ticked) the contract does not apply to all products and requires further criteria.

Categories tab

CategoryThe product category the contract is to apply to.  You can have more than one category per contract.  This means the contract applies to this category.
Contract price type

There is a number of contract price types available. The type is specified at a product level. To see more click here.

ValueThis field shows the value for the category contract
Min QtyThis is the minimum quantity for the category contract
Max QtyThis is the maximum quantity for the category contract
Min ValueThe minimum value of the category contract
Max ValueThis is the maximum value of the category contract
Use Price Book CostThis is a flag to set contract using Price Book Primary Supplier Cost (instead of Product Primary Supplier Cost) as base cost when calculate for Mark Up from Cost.
More Details here

Individual Products

ProductThe product to be included on this contract
Contract Price Type

The way that contract prices are calculated for this product.  There is a number of contract price types available. The type is specified at a product level. To see more click here 


This field shows the value for the product contract

Min QtyThis is the minimum quantity for the product contract. The minimum quantity that must be present in a single sale for the contract price to be applied. For example, if this is 4, an order with only 3 products will not qualify.  (Optional)
Max QtyThis is the maximum quantity for the product contract. The maximum quantity that can be present in a single sale for the contract price to be applied. For example, if this is 10, an order with 15 products will not qualify.  (Optional)

Min Value

The minimum value that a sale must have for this contract price to be applied. (Optional)
Max Value

The maximum value that a sale can have for this contract price to be applied. (Optional)

Price Level

If using a specific pricing level, use this Price Level field to select which level this contract applies. (Optional)

Replacement ProductUses Contract price type: Replace. Every time the customer buys the product, replace it with this product code. (Optional)
Tax Code

The tax code that applies for the product.  You cannot manually update this field.

Gross Profit Percentage

The system calculates the GP on the contracts.  You cannot manually update this field.

Original GP%This gets filled in when the contract is first activated. This lets the user see what the GP% was originally and then report on cases where the GP% has fluctuated since the contract has begun.
Auto Review MonthsThe number of months that this product-contract should remain active before price review should take place.
Maximum Inactivity MonthsThe maximum number of months without sales of this product on this contract before its removed upon review.
Maintain GP%Whether the original gross profit percentage of this Product-Contract should be maintained upon review.
Auto Increase Price %The percentage to increase the price each time this Product-Contract comes up for review.
Min Cost increase %The minimum percentage that the cost must increase each time this product-contract is reviewed. 
Maximum GP% ErosionThe maximum percentage that the gross profit percent may erode before a review is forced.
Maximum GP% Erosion WeeksThe number of consecutive weeks that the gross profit percentage must be eroded for before a review is forced.
Use Price Book CostThis is a flag to set contract using Price Book Primary Supplier Cost (instead of Product Primary Supplier Cost) as base cost when calculate for Mark Up from Cost
More Details here

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