Mentoring best practice part 1


The pages below give you a summary of some of the best practice information  / tips from mentoring week 3.  It is a good idea to save a link to the mentoring program somewhere.

 Best practice Survey

Here is the web link to conduct the survey…lets compare scores next week!  It can take some time to complete..cause it covers a lot of ground!

Best Practice Score Card: Click Here To Start The Survey

 Take Baby Steps Towards Best Practice

I’d encourage you to decide on 2 or 3 best practices, and make movements towards achieving them before we finish.  Select 2 over the weekend, and have any questions you have on moving toward that best practice ready for followup next week.  They can be as small or as significant as you see fit.  

Best Practice is a ‘walk not a run’.  Its all about evolving into better practices.  It doesn’t happen ‘big bang’ and our business is has plenty more things it could be doing to improve process. 

By taking small "Baby Steps" towards best practice each month.  You will get a lot more out of your Readysell system and the value and operation of your business will improve.

The main thing is to have a few best practice improvements planned, then to slowly work on implementing them one at a time. You will make real progress.