Mentoring follow up 1 Baseline your business

Mentoring follow up 1 Baseline your business


This week we have to understand:

  • where to get information we need to understand where our business is up to
  • how to extract information from Readysell to help us start towards building a business plan

Objective of mentoring week 1

Identify 5 key areas to improve for your business

Follow up work

This week you have to start baseline your business and in background also start thinking about business planning.  To do this, you can get most of the information you need if you work through items 1, 2 and 3 on the Readysell planning and control benefits page of the user guide.  See:

Further reading

While you are thinking about how to baseline and plan for your business.  I recommend you have a look at the Readysell user guide section on how Readysell can help you achieve your business objectives.  See: Readysell can help you meet your key business objectives

Indicative feedback from participants

There is a lot of follow up work. Readysell will follow up on each session.  About an hour to two hours follow up work.  Each week we are looking at how we can use the systems with the best practice.  Make a list of what you want to achieve in your business Internal best practice manual so that all the staff are on the same page.  Attending the webinar training has changed the way we run our business.  Getting the database better is a key priority.  Participating involves more than just turning up on the day.  Today's session is about starting you thinking about your business.  The system is just a tool to cost less and grow more.  Things the system does for you must reduce costs, increase revenue or improve service.  After the mentoring program we will help you deliver on the metrics:

  • Only a few dealers are using the management dashboard:
  • One users the management dashboard daily Using it to keep an eye on dead stock Try to make the red lines green Keep an eye on how things are going
  • Another uses the dashboard Dead stock control Sales order per month Average order value
  • Aims of Participant 1:
    • Customize price levels Automatic price loads Want Readysell to work harder for him More daily/weekly/monthly procedures They use their own custom price level Load list to load from price book. Dealers own list price is generated from list. But add freight to some products A few products to exclude as ob do not manage the units
  • Aims of Participant 2:
    •  40% through a dead stock reduction program. That is working.
  • Aims of Participant 3:
    • Business machines/service Aims: Custom prices, don't use ob prices Product data 70% ezcodes More to ezcodes and products Orders in from the website but Product and customer data not clean
  • Aims of Participant 4:
    • Readysell 8 working great. "Best thing we ever did as a business". There is not much you can't get out of it. Power user Aims: Dead stock reduction Stock on hand
  • Aims of Participant 5:
    • There are some gaps in things where Readysell 7 used to have them Train the team manage staff turnover
  • Aims of Participant 6:
    • Growth Stock reduction and dead stock Main return Key, not hands on. Not familiar with daily operations.  Not using it to full capacity.  It is a very powerful system but are only using a fraction of the potential. Want to use it more of a tool. Interested in information
  • Aims of Participant 7:
    • Based in Melbourne A lot of education, most of the customers are education based. Dead stock and stock reduction CRM working
  • Aims of Participant 8:
    • Wants to know what she can do Better understanding of the basics Even things like the management board How to do it smarter