


Customers who are part of the Office National, Office Products Depot or O-NET buying groups will periodically receive catalogue data overnight every night for as long as Office Brands update their data portal. That data flows from your head office through to Readysell into your catalogues module and price book. This catalogue data can be loaded into Readysell to update product information with the latest descriptive data, supplier information and buy and sell pricing.

Each week, Readysell sends out an email update to let you know about any new or updated catalogues from the previous week. If you are not receiving this email and would like to, please contact Readysell support. You can also see any new or updated catalogues by going to Product Import Rules under the Administration menu.

This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. 

Getting Started



Refer to Common Buttons.

Load Catalogue To initiate the catalogue loading process
Dismiss CatalogueRemoves this catalogue from your outstanding list without loading it.


Catalogue IDThis code identifies the catalogue or flyer in Readysell.
NameThis field shows the name of the catalogue.
TypeThe type of catalogue : Catalogue or Flyer
Start DateThis is the start date of the catalogue.
End DateThis is the end date of the catalogue.
LoadedThis identifies if the catalogue has been loaded.

Lines tab


Product Details
The Product Details button when clicked takes you to the product window opens.
Generate LabelsPrints the labels for line items in a catalogue update, allows customers to prints labels that are created or have updated data from a catalogue
Ez CodeThe EzCode of the catalogue line.
Catalogue ReferenceThe items reference within the catalogue
Catalogue PageThe page of the catalogue where this product is listed
Catalogue ItemThe item number of the line within any printed catalogue
New ProductThis is true if the product first appeared in this catalogue
Previous Product IDPrevious Product ID on the catalogue line
Product NameName of the product
BarcodeBarcode for the catalogue line
GST AppliesIndicates if GST applies to the catalogue line
Supplier Card IDSupplier card ID
Supplier Product IDSupplier product ID
Buy Unit QuantityThe unit quantity in which the product is bought
Minimum Order QuantityMinimum order quantity for the catalogue line
Cost Ex TaxThe product cost before tax
List PriceList price for the catalogue line
Government PriceGovernment price for the catalogue line
LoyaltyNumber of loyalty points customer will earn from a sale

Audit tab

ProductName of the product
Audit typeRelates to the Match On criteria or New Product 
FieldName of the updated field
Old ValueValue of field before the update
New ValueValue of the field after the update

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