Review contract prices at least once a month

Review contract prices at least once a month

Model Contact Oversight Action Item List

You should implement a procedure where someone in your business is responsible for checking of the following list each month:

TopicPass/FailFollow up action required
Contracts manually closed by users checked  
Expired contracts cancelled by the system checked  
Expired customers on a contract checked  
Expired machines on a contract checked  
Contracts due to expire this month checked  
Customer list entries on Contracts where the customer on the contract is due to expire this month checked  
Machine entries on Contracts where the machine on the contract is due to expire this month checked  



Contracts prices may be critical to your business. At least once a month you should check your contracts.  At least once a month you should review your contracts that have expired or are about to expire.

When reviewing closed and expired contracts, you are looking for:

  •  Contracts that have been cancelled or closed:
    • Users can manually close contacts, where the right contracts closed and were any replacement contracts setup
    • The system will cancel contracts if the contract has passed it's expiry date 
    • Customers on contracts can have an expiry date. If this feature is used in your business, you need to watch out for this as well.
    • Machines on contracts can have an expiry date. If this feature is used in your business, you need to watch out for this as well.
  • Contracts that are about to expire:
    • The contract expiry date is some time this month
    • Customers on a contract may have an expiry date this month
    • Machines on a contract may have an expiry date this month

Contracts that have recently expired have the following characteristics:

  • The end date of the contract is in the recent past, say within the last month
  • The workflow status of the contract is 'Completed', to indicate the contract has expired
  • The user last modified on the contract is 'Service', to show the system completed the contract as it was past it's expiry date

Contracts that are going to expire in the near future have the following characteristics:

  • The workflow status on the contract is 'Active', meaning the contract is currently being used
  • Applies to customer list entries on contracts that are about to expire have an end date this month on a the customers line on the list of customers shown on the contract
  • Applies to machine  list entries on contracts that are about to expire have an end date this month on a the machine list on the list of machines shown on the contract

Reviewing the contracts

Setting up the contact review list view.

Select Contracts from the Navigation panel (Navigation panel, Relationships, Contracts). Then click on the 'view variants' button to save a custom view variant. Call the view Contract Review.

Right click on the list view heading and select column chooser. Make sure End Date, Version Number, Last Modified At and Last Modified By are on the list view.

Right click on the list view heading and click on Filter Editor to add a filter to your custom view. The filter should look like the one below. To make the filter you have to change the option at the top of the filter from 'And' to 'Or'. You then have to left click on the 'Or' at the top of the filter three times and add a group each time (i.e. click on And and click on Add Group). You then fill in the options inside the group.

This filter is setup so you don't have to type in the dates. As there are some limits in filters around checking this earlier date ranges. We can't check a number of days forward or back. But we can check previous/laster this week, month or this year.



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Deploying the report to users

Either :

  • repeat the process above on each user you require
  • setup those changes on a master user used for all screen customisations. Then use the copy model feature to copy all your screen customisations to other user roles 
  • Export the result to excel and send it to any staff that require the information
  • or make the same filter on a list report, form report or analysis report if required.


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