Entering a new customer debit
Entering a new customer debit
Customer Debit Notes are purely Non Stock Financial Transactions from within the Card (Cusdeb).
They have no effect on the Physical Stock Movement, that is the increase or decrease of Stock on Hand.
Usually Customer Credit is used to write off a bad debt or for a write off to Discount Allowed (trade debtors) for a minimal outstanding amount of a few cents that the customer may have underpaid.
If stock is sold and stock is returned you would not insert a Cusdeb or Cuscre you would go back to the source transaction and do a Salcrd.
Do not dissect a cusdeb or cuscre against any other general ledger account other than a type of expense gl account, eg trade debtor discount, freight outwards, bad debt written off etc.
- Log onto Readysell>Debtors and Creditors>Customer Debit or you can go to cards, search and highlight the Card and Drop the new and select Customer Debit.
- From within Customer debits module, Click New. The New Customer debit window opens.
- Enter header details for the debit:
- The date is automatically defaults to today's date, but you can change it if you to need to.
- Select the customer who the debit is for.
- Enter the value for the debit
- Enter a description that best describes why the debit is being created.
- Click down to under the Line Items tab.
- Enter line information:
- For the Account Site, select the correct General Ledger Account.
- The description will populate from the description entered at the header level. If you wish to have a different description on the line level you can override the existing one.
- Enter either the valueex or the valueinc and the correct tax code.
- When you have finished, you have three options.
- Click Finalise to finalise the debit without allocating it.
- Click Finalise and Allocate to finalise the debit and allocate it against an invoice.
- Click Finalise and New to finalise the debit without allocating it, and start another transaction.
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