Understanding quantity allocated and quantity on sale shipment on sale orders and service orders

Understanding quantity allocated and quantity on sale shipment on sale orders and service orders


The quantity ordered is the record of demand. Readysell will not try to allocate or ship more than is ordered. If the customer wants to reduce the quantity ordered. You can reduce it down to the quantity that has already been shipped. 

Stock quantity allocated on sales orders and sale shipments clear as soon as a sale shipment is in progress for that sale order line. The reason for this change is that there could be a mix up between stock allocated and stock on sale shipments. Now if stock is shipped it no longer shows as allocated. When stock is shipped, the quantity allocated is cleared and appears in the quantity shipped column instead. The percent fully allocated for the line goes to zero. See worked examples below.

Example of changing the quantity the customer now wants (quantity ordered)

When order is placed

  • Sale order quantity      10
  • Quantity allocated         8
  • Quantity on shipments  0
  • Quantity on back order 2

The customer phones back and says they only want eight. So change the quantity on the order:

  • Sale order quantity      8
  • Quantity allocated         8
  • Quantity on shipments  0
  • Quantity on back order 0

The system will now ship the 8 and not back order the extra 2 the customer no longer wants.

Example of allocation and back orders

When order is placed

  • Sale order quantity      10
  • Quantity allocated         8
  • Quantity on shipments  0
  • Quantity on back order 2

When sale shipment is released

  • Sale order quantity      10
  • Quantity allocated         0
  • Quantity on shipments  8
  • Quantity on back order 2

The most obvious effects of the behaviour above include:

  • The quantity fully allocated may go to zero for a sale order when the sale has a shipment, even if the shipment is not posted
  • The quantity allocated on a sale order line may go to zero when the sale order line has a shipment

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