Viewing product ranks from Product list view


The product list view and searches allow you to see how well each product is performing for your business. The product ranks on the product are an easy way to compare the performance of each product. There are four ranks:

  • Quantity rank, a rating from zero to the last product that measures of how many units are being sold for the product. Where a rank of 0 means nothing sold, 1 is the best and a large number like 99999 is the worst of those products that have had a sale at all. 
  • Value rank, a rating from zero to the last product that measures based on value sold. Where a rank of 0 means nothing sold, 1 is the best and a large number like 99999 is the worst of those products that have had a sale at all. 
  • Margin rank, a rating from zero to the last product that measures based on margin sold. Where a rank of 0 means nothing sold, 1 is the best and a large number like 99999 is the worst of those products that have had a sale at all. 
  • Overall rank, a rating from zero to the last product that measures the products overall rank. This overall rank is calculated by adding together the the three rankings of quantity rank, value rank and margin rank and then divide by 3.  Where a rank of 0 means nothing sold, 1 is the best and a large number like 99999 is the worst of those products that have had a sale at all. 
  • Alll the ranks are calculated by a task that runs each Saturday night. You can set how many days back the task considers when calculating the rank.

When viewing the ranks, put a filter on the screen to show ones that do not show zero.

[Overall Rank] > 0u


The ranks are run by a task which is scheduled to run every Saturday called "Ranking"  you will need to make sure this is enabled from Administrations>advanced>task> Ranking. You need to set a value for the number of days you wish this task to run for.
It is not until this task is set to run and actually runs that the ranks will get updated. 
You can run this task manually but Readysell suggests that you dont do it during the day as it may slow you system down based upon the number of days in the value field. 

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