Price Change Run

Price Change Run


The Price Change Run functionality lets you update prices for more than one product at a time.

The first step is to create a new price change run, then use a run set to extract the products you want to change. Once you have extracted the products, you can make the necessary changes to the prices, then finalise the run

The Price Change Run screen allows you to change prices for multiple products in one go.

In order to change prices, you must extract products using a Price Change Run Set. See Creating and running a price change run for more information.

Once you have extracted products, you can make changes to price levels by clicking and typing directly into the New Price Inc Tax or New Price Ex Tax fields. The other fields will change to reflect what you have entered.

Getting Started



There are no custom buttons for this list. Refer to Common Buttons.


TypeThe type of open item (PCHRUN (Price Change Run).
NumberThe number of the transaction.

The status of the price change run

DateThe date and time (local to the workstation) when the transaction took place.
Price Change DateThe date the price change run occured
NameA name description for the price change run (for reference purposes only)

Lines tab

DeleteDeletes the selected line from the list.
Adjust from Current PriceSets the new price as a percentage of the existing price.
Set GP%Sets the new price such that the entered percentage of the price is gross profit.
Set MarginSets the new price such that the entered percentage of the price is margin.
Set Price CategoryLets you choose the price category for the selected lines.
Round to Nearest 5cRounds the New Price Inc Tax field to the nearest 5c.
Apply Category PriceApplies price changes to the selected lines based on their price category.
Product IDThe Products ID
NameThe name of the Product
Price LevelThe name of the price level (E.g: Bulk 1, CRC, EDU etc)
Old Cost 
Current Price Ex Tax 
Current Price Inc Tax 
New Price Ex Tax 
New Price Inc Tax 
Change Percent 
Gross Profit Percent 
Margin Percent 
Price Category 

General tab

Base Price Level 
Set Allow Discount False 

Additional Fields

Customer Field 1 Value 
Customer Field 2 Value 
Customer Field 3 Value 
Update Was PriceChecked this option to update the Was Price on the product file when a extracted price change run is posted. Otherwise unchecked the option
Allow Sell Price Discounts
No Change 




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