Department/category price matrix

Department/category price matrix

Department/Category Price Matrix
The department/category price matrix allows you to override the sell prices for price levels outside the ranges used by Office Brands based on category and markup.
Level Price 1 cannot be changed as it is the Standard Price Level from Office Brands.
Office Brands catalogue updates from the Price Book.
How to run Price Categories

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Select Products
  3. Click on 'Price Categories"

  1. Here you can either Insert a New Price Change or Modify an existing Price change.
  2. To Insert Click on 'Insert'; to Modify just click on Modify and make the required changes.

  1. Select one of the following Price Category Types being either a Category or Department or All. Ensure to turn the ACTIVE Flag ON before you proceed.

  1. If you have selected Category, in the Category field enter the category in question.

If you have selected Department, in the Department field select one of the departments from the table that will be drawn to screen

  1. You must click on OK to accept the selection before you insert the criteria required for the price category.
  2. Click on OK
  3. Now Highlight the Price Category Type you just entered and click on 'Change'
  4. Now Click on 'Insert' to make the selection of the Price levels you wish to insert change

  1. Select from either option 1 or Option 2 and insert your criteria's. See example screen print below

  1. Click on OK to accept
  2. Click on OK again to accept the 'Update Price Category' Window selection
  3. Now click on 'Apply Price Categories'

A report will appear to screen with the changes that have been made to the criteria that has been selected.
You must click on OK to accept the report and changes that have been made.
Check the result on some of the products.
If nothing appears in the Log check the criteria that you inserted
You can also click on 'Send To' to export the result to excel.
Once you are happy with your new price category rules. You can contact Readysell and have the price category rules setup to run automatically each night.

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